"Wait, we have to workout together?" Having barely read the actual task, I didn't realize we'd basically be having to do everything together. Melanie nods, her mouth set in a tight line.

"Hey, I'm not too thrilled about it either, but maybe just try and make it look like you can't wait to rip my eyeballs out and roast them on a fire."

"Thanks for the idea."

She rolls her eyes again, clicking open her pen.

"Okay, so what kind of exercise do you normally do? I'll write down what we both do and then we'll sort of combine them into one program." She continues, staring up at me as she asks.

It's sounds stupid, but I can't help but study her eyes. The way they're mostly brown, but there's little lighter flecks sprinkled into them. The way they light up when we're arguing, or when we've just been swimming.

"Uh, well I usually do some form of weights a couple of times a week," she nods, writing it down. "but I also go on a run most days for cardio." she slams her pen down, widening her eyes.

"Why would you bother doing cardio when you're swimming as your sport? It literally is cardio."

I snort, running a hand through my hair.

"I do it for fun. It's not hard, it just gives me break from both school and swimming."

"Well, I hate running, so we're not doing it." Melanie retorts, crossing off the idea in her notebook.

"Hey, why not? This is supposed to be a 2 person thing, not just whatever you want.

"Fine, I'll go running with you. But, if you get running, you have to do yoga with me. Deal?" If there's one thing I hate more than cleaning my apartment, it's yoga. It's boring, and long, and painful. But, I do want to see Melanie try to run.

"Fine, deal."

She smiles in triumph, pretending to punch the air. I shake my head. Dork.

"Okay, so how about we do weights with stretching twice a week, and then we'll do running and yoga for another 2 days. Then, we'll still get a few days off for rest. Sound good?" I nod my head, watching as she ditches her notebook in favor of her laptop.

"Alright, well we should probably make a powerpoint then. What kind of weights do you lift?"

We spend a painful 20 minutes or so dividing our action plan, before Melanie closes her laptop, stuffing it back into her bag.

"Where are you going Melly?" I ask, standing from my own seat as she does.

"Coach said he wanted us in," she flicks her wrist, checking her watch. "10 minutes. So I'm leaving." She smiles sarcastically, walking hurridly towards my door. I laugh to myself as I chuck on a pair of shoes, gathering up my belongings and shoving them into the deep pockets of my hoodie.

I race outside, only a minute or two behind her, and make my way towards the pool. It's just begun to rain, and heavy droplets fall down on me as I race behind her. I round the corner of a building, which is when she finally comes into view, her bag swinging as it hangs off of her arm casually.

The rain intensifies as I sneak up behind her, careful not to make my footsteps too heavy. I near her, and without thinking twice, I bend down, latching my arms around her waist. She screams as I turn her around, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Whitlock! Put! Me! Down!" she screams, her voice echoing in the emptiness of the school grounds.

"Calm down Melly, I'm doing you a favor here." I reply, tightening my arms around her waist as she squirms.

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