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Iris' POV

I can't believe I'm getting married today. Is it to soon? I know Ramses and I have known each other most of our lives. But still am I doing the right thing?

Moses isn't here and neither is mum. I always thought she, Aunt Yocheved and Miriam would help me get ready. That Aaron and Moses would walk me own the aisle. Before I knew I had a living dad. But two of them are dead, one is missing and presumed dad. And Miriam & Aaron wouldn't be allowed in the palace.

I sigh sadly as Tuya brushes my hair. "Why so sad?" she asks me confused. "It's your wedding day" she reminds me.

"None of my blood family is here, aside from dad. Don't be offended. But I always thought my mother would help me get ready on my wedding day" I tell her.

"Well I'm your future Mother in Law" she reminds me.

"True" I say with a small smile.

"That's better" she says smiling. "Besides Ramses has a surprise for you" she tells me. I go ask what it is, when there was a knock at the door. "Enter" she says as she puts the brush down.

"Iris?" I hear a timid voice says.

"Miriam?" I say confused as I turn around. I see her and squeal happily. I run over to her and hug her tightly. "What are you doing here? How are you here? Is Aaron here too?" I ask her excitedly.

"Did you really think I'd miss your wedding day?" she asks me with a small smile as we pull away. "You look beautiful" she tells me.

"We're not done yet" Tuya states.

"Miriam, allow me to introduce Queen Tuya of Egypt. Ramses' mother and Moses' adoptive mother. Tuya, my older cousin Miriam" I say smiling.

"An honor your highness" Miriam says stiffly with a cursty.

"I'm so glad you could make it today, I know it makes Iris very happy" Tuya states.

"You didn't answer my questions" I say pouting a little.

"The pharaoh, your soon to be husband gave me the day off construction and invited me to your wedding. No Aaron though, he was needed at the construction site. I'm only here to help you get ready and for the wedding ceremony" she explains. "Lets finish getting you ready" she adds.

"I'm glad you're here" I tell her and give her one more hug. Tuya then directs me back to the seat and they do my hair & makeup. Before sending me behind the screen to get dressed. After that Tuya puts my head piece on.

"There you are ready" Tuya tells me with a smile.

"You look beautiful Iris" Miriam tells me and I smile. Just then there is another knock at the door.

"Is Iris ready?" I hear dad ask.

"Come in dad" I call and he enters. "What do you think? Am I ready?" I ask him as I do a small twirl.

"You look as beautiful as your mother did" he tells me smiling. "Anyway, everyone is waiting for you" he tells us.

"Sorry, we talked a lot" I tell him sheepishly and he chuckles kissing my forehead. We leave and head for the main courtyard. Where Dad walked me down the aisle. When I saw Ramses standing there, all my nerves and sadness went away.

Dad hands me to him and goes to sit down in the front row. "Welcome everyone, today we are gathered to witness the union of our Pharaoh. Ramses and his princess, Iris" Hotep states. "May the gods be their witness and bless this union" he says.

"Iris, when we meet. You were sixteen and I thought you were a goddess" Ramses states. I blush lightly. "Now I see you are more beautiful then any goddess could ever be. I love you and vow to love you always. To be faithful, devoted only to you. I also vow to stand by you until the gods separate us" he vows.

"Ramses, I vow to serve you and be loyal to you. To love you and bear your heir. I vow to always be by your side until the gods separate us" I vow.

"By the power invested in me, by the gods. I pronounce you husband and wife. Pharaoh and Queen of Egypt. You may kiss your bride" Hotep tells Ramses. Who wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately. As I wrap my arms around his neck returning the kiss. As everyone cheers and throws petals.

The ceremony was over and I said goodbye to Miriam. Before Ramses and I went to the throne from for the feast. We ate and then had our first dance. Before going to a house by the river for our wedding night. Where we both lost our virginities. We stayed there for two weeks. While his mother took care of Egypt.

Before we had to return to the palace. Where I  was crown and started my official duties as Queen of Egypt. With Tuya and Ramses help of course. Not long after we got back Tuya fell ill though and passed away. Joining Seti in the after life. We had a funeral for her and she was placed in a tomb beside Seti.


Picture above of Ramses and Iris wedding. (I know it's not them, just use your imagination).

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