Chapter 24: The Hunt Begins

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The air bristled quietly. Too quietly. The perfect day.

Cole Joseph Sawyer stood at the window at the window of his bedchamber. How his thoughts wondered of the future. Of how he had finally become apart of the perfect family. His beloved Alcina and his precious daughters. What more could he want? What more could he have thought of?

"Hello dear." A voice from behind rang out.

Cole turned around to see Alcina standing tall and proud as always.

"Hey there, honey." Cole smiled to his beloved.

"I was thinking... I spoke to Mother Miranda of how to finally awaken your Arcana. Mother Miranda says maybe a bit of... combat would help bring them forth."

"Alcina, if you're asking me to, I don't know, combat you, I wouldn't never want to run the risk of injuring-"

"Do not worry dear, that is not what I meant. I meant that all of us could go out on a hunt, and yes I mean all of us, even the others."

"That... does sound like a plan." Cole nodded.

"So, shall we my dear?" Alcina nodded toward the door.

Minutes later, Cole, Alcina, the sisters, the other lords and Miranda stood outside the Castle door.

"Damn Cole. I gotta say you're pretty damn good-looking!" Heisenberg remarked.

"Yeah. It fits you." Donna timidly commented.

"Hehe. You've got muscle!" Moreau laughed.

Miranda gestured for the others to gather to her.

"As you all should know, we are using this as an opportunity to awaken Cole's Powers. I've run all the possible outcomes, and according to Biological signs, this should bring them forth."

Daniela squealed wildly. "EEEEH! I can't wait!"

Cassandra chuckled at being out in the cold and it having no effect. "You have no idea how much we thank you for your blood Cole. Being freely out in there cold is, just so liberating!"

Cole smiled at his daughters joy. "Don't mention it Cass."

"Let us move." Miranda ordered.

(15 minutes pass)

Cole and the sisters roamed the snow-covered grounds searching for animals to maul. It seemed like Hours as Miranda and the other lords looked on observing them.

Suddenly, three bears charged toward the sisters as they stood together to block its path. The three of them delivered vicious slashes toward each of them, all of them putting down their own with a sickle through the head and back out through the skull.

"Hahaha! Look daddy I killed one for you!" Daniela chirped liked a playful schoolgirl.

"Hey, quit hogging the glory Dani, we all killed one." Bela glared.

"Impressive, but these bears were but babies." Cole respectfully noted.

"Uh... do you mean-" Cass was cut off as a massive roar split the air.

"Her babies." Cole stood up as he laid his eyes upon the huge bear sitting atop the cliff that was clearly the mother of the bears his daughters just slaughtered.

The bear charged toward them with feral ferocity. The three sisters stood in Cole's way to block it, but the beast was clearly too strong. It knocked them all aside without much effort.

Cole stood his ground, tightening his footing. The bear slammed into his chest, but he kept hold on its head, his enhanced strength helping him to keep afoot. With a loud yell and a burst of strength he hurled the bear into the air and crashing back down to the ground.

Then, Cole felt something come alive inside him. Something began surged within him. Red trails of energy were beginning to appear all around him. The bear stood it's ground as the rest of the lords looked on in awe.

 The bear stood it's ground as the rest of the lords looked on in awe

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Trees collapsed. The ground beneath them shook.

With a leap into the air and a channeling of the energy within him, Cole brought down his fists into the ground, creating a massive energy eruption and reducing the bear to atoms.

When the dust snow cleared, Cole stood victorious before the other lords. Alcina couldn't help but begin to process what she just saw. Her beloved Cole truly held a power beyond anything they're ever witnessed.

Cole couldn't believe it either. He'd expected nothing like this for an Arcana. Nothing as seemingly powerful as this.

He'd become a true force to be reckoned with.

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