Chapter 2: A Darkness falls

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Cole's Father had made the family's life a living hell.

Since being fired from the slaughterhouse job, he had been resorting to alcoholism, always coming home drunk and angry while yelling insults and slurs at his disturbed son and wife and sometimes even physically hitting them in the worst of ways. He didn't even recognize his son's and wife's efforts to keep the family afloat with him out of a job. 

Nora had to get a job working a night shift at a local diner as a security monitor and Cole, having become old enough for a part time job, now worked at his father's old slaughterhouse workplace.

On an average day, it was always the same, unchanging, hurtful dialogue. 

Cole's father now drunk, angry and sad from being out a job, always yelled at Cole and Nora,"What the hell are you sorry sacks of trash doing?! Get back to work and get me some damn whiskey!" Dad please we've been working hard all day mom needs a break and I've been doing thing after thing- "I don't give a goddamn!" Cole's father relentlessly screamed at his terrified son. Get back to putting the trash bags out, or I'm going to have you sleeping in the pig pen!" "Yes dad..." Cole tearfully murmured as he walked away in pain.

Cole's father's old boss had developed a liking to Cole's efforts and that lifted Cole's spirits making him feel at home at work more than the home he was raised in. He felt safe there, like slicing and slaughtering meat was his true purpose, something that he was meant for...

Things had gone from Heaven to Hell for Cole's family, but mostly Cole himself, who was too afraid to tell anyone of the horrors he and his mother had to endure

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Things had gone from Heaven to Hell for Cole's family, but mostly Cole himself, who was too afraid to tell anyone of the horrors he and his mother had to endure. He was a merely beneath his father's fist almost everyday, taking beating after beating and insult after insult, all the while crying over how happy his family used to be together. 

It broke Cole in the worst of ways, but what he didn't know was that the worst day of his life was just around the corner.

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