Chapter 21: The Cadou

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"Where exactly are we going again?"

"To the meeting room dear, Mother Miranda has requested all of us to be there for some important information." Lady Dimitrescu answered.

"We know any hint of what it's about?" Cole questioned.

Lady Dimitrescu smiled. "She said it's something pertaining to you."

"I feel rather intrigued, nervous. Can't help but feel a bit off."

The lady smiled and bent down, caressing Cole's cheek. A rush of red overcame him. She loved how he looked whenever he blushed. Lust, Love and care all in the same expression.

"Do not worry love. I promise you I'll be with you the whole time. And I'm sure it's nothing bad."


(Castle Dimitrescu Meeting Room)

Miranda looked upon the lords as they set foot in the room.

"I've gathered you all here today to make an important announcement."

While Alcina had a neutral expression of happiness and concern, the other lords all either had raised eyebrows or gave slow nods at the statement.

"I'm sure you can agree that Cole Hoffman has proven worthy of joining our ranks."

"He has shown undying kindness and loyalty to all of you, most providently to house Dimitrescu. It is time to finalize his commitment."

Heisenberg slowly stood from his seat.

"Wait, are you saying that he's gonna have the-"

"Yes Heisenberg. It is time he receives his Cadou."

Lady Dimitrescu stood up with an expression of surprise.

"Mother Miranda, I am very much supportive of Cole becoming apart of us, but are you certain that the Cadou itself won't kill him or turn him into another mindless shell?"

"I understand your concerns Alcina, but I've run the tests, he will survive, but what happens is not something I can control. It will grant him eternal life and power that could be even greater than the rest of you. Is that not what you want for soulmate?"

Cole's mind was aroused with curiosity and a hint of fear. What was the Cadou? An entity of sorts? An enhancement in physical form? Either way, the mention of possible death or becoming a mindless drone frightened him. However, he thought of the upsides of the Cadou. A seat in the council among the other lords? Endless power? An eternal life he could spend with the rest of them and Alcina? Her daughters? Cole had come too far through a rough life back in Texas to give up an opportunity like this.

"No! I won't allow him to be implanted with something that could kill him or have him lost to us... to me. You cannot-"

"I'll do it."

Cole's statement rang out and echoed through the room.

"Draga, I can't let you to put yourself at the risk of-"

Cole clutches Alcina's hand.

"If this means I can spend an eternity with you, your daughters, the others, I don't care of the risks."

Lady Dimitrescu looks at Cole with a watery smile. She hadn't expected her lover to be so brave, even in the face of possible death. She was surprised that hadn't stuck with her since the attempted robbery.

"I love you, Alcina. I promise, I'll come out of this alive and well. You can never lose faith in a chance so great.

"Very well Draga." She said as she kissed him.

Miranda spoke the final words of the meeting.

"So. I suppose we can conduct the procedure on the morning of tomorrow?"


(Time Jump to nighttime)

Cole laid down by the fireplace in his and Alcina's bedchamber. He just couldn't stop thinking of tomorrow, just what would his... abilities be? Would he look any different?

Suddenly, a swarm of flies spilled into the room, slowly then swiftly forming into one Cassandra Dimitrescu.

Suddenly, a swarm of flies spilled into the room, slowly then swiftly forming into one Cassandra Dimitrescu

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A smile slowly formed on Cole's face. It was nice to see one of the sisters again. They were always good company.

"So. The big day's tomorrow. You excited? You'll finally be one of us!" She spoke.

"Yeah, very. However I do want to ask Cassandra, and I'm not scared to be entirely truthful. Was the... process painful?

Cassandra nodded in uncertainty.

"Yeah, I was already dead, actually. So I don't know."

"Hm, yeah your mother told me how you three came to be. It's fascinating. And yeah. She raised some fine daughters."

Cassandra couldn't help but blush at what Cole was saying. He was just so warm and kind towards them. Most man-things would be running away or fighting back. Cole wasn't that. He loved them all, bonded with them, laughed with them, was keen on killing just like them, It was a dream come true for her.

"Well, I got some dope music I could show ya if you'd like. You got any of that around her?"

"No. Mother doesn't let us listen to any of that. She says it's vulgar." Cassandra frowns at the lacking of music in the castle.

"Well, she's sorta right, but very little of modern music is vulgar, I can certainly assure you that. I've spent a lot of time looking into music and that's just a fact."

Cassandra's smile returned.

"Oh, I suppose I'll keep that noted."

Cole pulls out his phone and hits play.


Cole starts to dance to the rocking beat and Cassandra slowly joins him.

She was astounded to the rhythm in which the music moved. It came out as catchy and free spirited. Something she hadn't felt in her self in a long time.

(1 hour later.)

Cole and Cassandra lay exhausted on the floor from hours of dancing. The exhilaration had gotten the best of them.

"Well, thanks for that! I had a lot of fun with you! I'll see you tomorrow, that is if I get to before your procedure."

Cole smiled once more as Cassandra morphed into her swarm of flies and headed out.

He could expect that his life would never be the same after the Cadou implantation, but he couldn't ignore the power that awaited him.

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