After not even five minutes, the entire class was down. Almost effortlessly, they were all beaten. Looks of shock and horror was evident on their faces, the poor students who managed to catch a glimpse of the unknown shivered in fear. A new trauma was unlocked for them that day. 

Mirio began answering all the questions the students may have had while using that time to take a break. Zihao kindly gave him a smoke screen around his junk so it wouldn't just be hanging out. And to avoid Todoroki's fear of kettles turning into one of floppy dicks.

"Okay blondey, my turn." Zihao gestured for the students to back up as he got into a fighting stance. This maybe the first time in a while he had someone to spar with so close to his age, seeing how they were only a few months apart in age. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mirio questioned with his usual smile. He remembered Zihao's quirk from when he was a student. While they never personally knew each other, they knew of each other. The Sports Festival may have been the first time they actually ever talked, even if it was just for a brief moment.

"Positive, you can even make the first move." Taking one last long drag of his cigarette, he threw it into a mini ash tray and closed it.

"If you say so!" And with that, he disappeared into the ground. 

L/n stood still as he waited for any sign of moment. 'Back left.' Jumping up, he coated the bottoms of his shoes in smoke to help him control how far he went. 'He's good at lower-level fighting, but in the air not so much.' Mirio popped out of the ground where Zihao predicted. His arm aimed a punch where the male once stood, yet he was met with a cloud of smoke. The blonde looked around confused until he spotted Zihao hovering in the air.

"Ah so you blocked me all together! Very impressive!" Before a ball of smoke could hit him, he permeated his body and went back into the ground below.

The same pattern kept continuing until the two grew bored of the game cat and mouse. The class watched in awe as the two sparred at the fast speed, they barely had time to watch before the duo had already moved. 

"Your quirk lets you phase through solids, correct? Does it work for gases too?" Zihao questioned as he lowered himself back down. Majority of the time he remained on the ground when Mirio was insight, but when he wasn't he would hover over a safe area.

Tilting his head, Mirio waited a second, "I think so? I can't breathe when my quirk is in use, so I assume it won't work." The blonde explained while trying to catch his breath.

The greenette nodded, "Understandable, that's why none of my attacks worked then."

"Good fight though! It's been a while since I've seen such a good sparring partner!" Mirio complimented as he held his hand out for Zihao to shake. He tried not to show his surprise, but then again, he shouldn't have expected any less from someone Nezu picked out. The entire school buzzed with rumors about the mysterious guest their principal brought in. If it wasn't for the looks of death on Class 1-A's faces whenever they left the training building, they may have checked it out for themselves.

"Yeah, same here." Taking the other's hand, he tightened his grip as he shook it.

The class stood with their mouths open like fish out of water. Never in their life did they think they'd see Zihao be on equal footing with someone. It only proved how little they knew.

"What just happened-"

Aizawa rolled his eyes as he walked closer to his students. "When Mirio's quirk is in use, Zihao is basically defenseless against him. But almost everyone is. Strength wise, Mirio has a greater advantage, but speed and agility wise Zihao does. They're basically parallels to each other in a way." He explained. It was honestly frightening how much they contrasted each other. He could only begin to imagine what would have happened if they studied together. Or worse, fought alongside one another. 

"Mr. Aizawa, who would win in an actual fight between the two?"

The teacher paused for a moment before he answered, "Zihao, no doubt about it."


"What are we going to do about internships coming up?" The girls took over the common room for some 'girl time', leaving majority of the guys to have their own meeting. Sero, Shinsou, Sato, Koda, Shoji, Denki and Kirishima rested comfortably in random places around the room. Sadly, the others couldn't join for various reasons.

"I think it'll be fine." 

"Yeah same."

Such a way with words. True poets.

"I'm going to intern with Fatgum!" Kirishima cheered while throwing a fist in the air. Probably the only one in the room with enough energy to be enthusiastic. 

Denki shot up from his position on the ground, "Woah! Really?! That's cool!" 

"Where are you guys going?" The red head asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

Everyone began naming off their heroes of choice and where others were going. "What about you Shinsou?" The introverted boy hesitated for a moment before he collected himself. 

Before he could answer, Sero butted in for him. "He's interning with Zihao! Since he's registered as a federal protector! Or something like that, sadly he could only take on one person." His shoulders dropped slightly out of disappointment.

"Wow! Cool!"

As the others talked excitedly about the week to come, Shinsou could only ponder the reason Zihao choose him over his cousin.

As the others talked excitedly about the week to come, Shinsou could only ponder the reason Zihao choose him over his cousin

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I'm not even going to lie, I messed up on the timeline when writing. Zihao was originally supposed to be a second year but then when I made his age seventeen to better match his skill level, I forgot to change his class year too. So yeah :D 

And regarding the question if Zihao and Mirio did fight who would win, I personally believe it depends on the situation. But Mirio's ideology follows the core belief of saving people whereas Zihao's is mostly survival or whatever his current goal is. Zihao would be willing to play dirty to get his way because of his askew morals, while Mirio would abide by the hero rulebook. It all depends on a numerous number of factors outside of just their quirks.

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