Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6

Comincia dall'inizio

Akeno:so thats what happened when you went for training with lady leviathan  yesterday Y/N?

I nod my head to signal yes

Ozma then casts the barrier around the whole home which surprises Rias and the others

Wally:Now then Y/N before i give  you access to what is known as the speed force ill need to you to run around the manor 50 times with these 500 ton weights on your  legs

Wally snaps his fingers and a pair of weights appear on my legs

Replace goku with yourself also remove the weights on the arms and leave only the ones on the ankles on

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Replace goku with yourself also remove the weights on the arms and leave only the ones on the ankles on

I then begin to struggle to move

Wally:For the next 4 days you  will be running around the entirety of the home 50 times with each day getting harsher and harsher

I let out a loud gulp but then remember im training to free Sona from her arranged marriage of Her and John

Ozma:It should be noted that while you are doing the training to increase your speed i along with Ms Gremorys group will be attacking you at full force so it will be your task to work on your speed while dodging the attacks

Y/N:i assume its up to rias and her group if they want to participate  in training me?


I look towards rias and her group

Rias:We will be glad to help improve Y/N Mr Ozma sir

Ozma:Very well let the training Commence

3rd POV

Day 1

The first day of the training Only Ozma attacked Y/N during his first 50 runs around the manor

Day 2

The second  day the difficulty increased a little now while increasing his speed and avoiding the magic spells from ozma Y/N  now has to avoid Kiba's swords as well that appear from the ground

Day 3

The third day is when the difficulty really spiked for two more from rias group mainly issei and koneko joined ozma and kiba on attacking Y/N as he does his 50 runs around the manor for the third day in a row which causes Y/N to really think of ways to avoid being hit from  the four

Day 4

The fourth day the difficulty  has reached its breaking point for now instead of just Ozma to avoid while increasing his speed Y/N  now has to avoid rias akeno koneko kiba and isseis attacks as well with each going full force on their attacks

After the fourth day of running around Y/N is seen tired and out of breath as he sits on the ground

Wally:Well Done Y/N you did great at avoiding everyones attacks

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