Chapter XIII - TJ Finds out the Truth

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"Well I guess I am truly all alone." TJ thought to himself "OH THAT DOESN'T MATTER! I don't need THOSE anyway! They don't know how to make the dinosaurs!- I have dinosaurs! I don't need people when I have dinosaurs! Speaking of which, was my ceratosaurus taking a rest or is he really out cold? It's tracker hasn't showed it moving in the last few hours."

TJ took a drone view of the redwood, where the battle took place, he noticed the ceratosaur's body was leaking with red, and it was impaled several times, also, not to mention, very dead.

"No I wonder what dinosaur did this... impaled eh? Horns... redwood... those footstep... it's that damn triceratops! I bet it was the one that killed the Rex! I wish I would've taken full control of the dinosaurs earlier, but I guess it would've been all too suspicious." He sighed "I should really stop taking to myself I'm going insane- is that a dead body? I just mentioned ghat I'm going insane so- IS THAT ANOTHER?"

TJ moved his drone over to look at the lifeless corpses of Ned and Millie.

"Good ceratosaurus, you did me well.. wait, is that NED? HA! Sucks to be you Ned! I was always Tony's best friend! I still hate him though... do I? Yes, he stole all of my profits! And I bet he would've done the very same of this dinosaur park actually opened!... anyway THERE'S OTHER PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND?" He swiped everything off of the desk he was sitting at. "NO MY COFFEE! Hehe, don't even TALK to me until I've had my coffee- I NEED HELP!" He paused. "Right, time to follow these triceratops footsteps... how DARE they kill my precious little ceratosaur."

He moved the drone to follow the footsteps, as well as the blood droppings from the triceratops.

"When I get my hands on that THING why I oughta kill 'em!... with my giga of course. Not me..."

When he finally reached the triceratops, and discovered the herd, he was horrified...

"Oh... so there is more people, great... oh well time to die!" He slapped on a headset and started whispering to the giga "you're going to head to the grassland and you're going to KILL everything, I don't want any people knowing my 'plans' you know what to do..."

The giga didn't follow on foot to the grasslands.

"Oh of course! Heh heh, you can't understand!.. I'll just set it out for you then..."

The drone dropped out a flare, and smoked filled the air.


The giga screeched and set off.

"There we go, at least it knows one word."

"Let's hope the pterosaurs take care of any passing helicopters, after all I don't want anyone finding out about this park."

Meanwhile, the triceratops heard was in an area of the former safari zone, it was almost a paradise, water, greenery, and a ton of other herbivores all living in harmony. Parasaurs, ankylosaurs and dreadnoughtus just to name a few.

Then, the flare dropped, and the smoke began to fill the air.

"HELLO?" Jodie shouted, "ANYONE THERE?"

Then the loud screech was heard, and the dinosaurs began to stampede.
Not to be trampled on, everyone hurried up onto a triceratops, struggling but managing.

They were approaching the water, and everything was becoming muddy, if you got fell off of a dinosaur here you were dead right there.

"Looks like my phone is goin'!" Jimmy picked it up. "Howdy!"

"Jim, give us an explanation on why things aren't going so well... what are those noises in the background?" Gus asked

"I'm in a gosh darn stampede brother! It's so fun!"

"Tom is not going to be happy with Tony..."

"Tony? That dudes been missing for the whole day!"


"Yeah, but that's not too bad, a flare was dropped so maybe that was him!"

"Umm... Tom said that triceratops was familiar, he said it was called Timothy or something."


"TIMOTHY?" Greg and Jodie looked at each other. "What about Timothy Jimmy?"

"Apparently that was the Dino that saved us from the ceratosaurus earlier today."

"Of course!"

"Wow we really owe him one."

Timothy was saw right in the middle of the stampede, you could tell because of his chipped horn.

"Dude, do you like, know what dinosaur noise that was? You're all the experts here I'm just here for the ride!" Brodie asked

"You think we know?" Greg responded. "None of us know what dinosaurs sounded like- WHAT? Are you being serious?"

"Sorry I'm just trying to start conversation..."

The dinosaurs began trampling down a hill.

"Yeehaw boy is this fun!"

"Wish I could say the same, as much as a dream this is it's still very scary-" Jodie was cut off by another screech. Everyone looked behind them but saw nothing, because of, well, the hill.

A dreadnougtus let out a horrifying groan as the giga ripped at its neck and disembodied the top half of the neck from the other.
Not even stopping to eat the sauropod, it set off for more, with one word in its mind only 'kill.'

TJ was spying on the giga through his drone. "If only it knew what to kill specifically."

Dreadnoughtus, being relatively slow, couldn't manage to run away, and the giga only knowing what kill meant, it mainly went after the stragglers.

"I should've thought this through... DAMN IT!" TJ slammed his desk. "STUPID SLOW SAUROPODS- it's fine..."

The alpha stegosaurus and ankylosaurus tamed up to take down this tyrant that was terrorising their paradise.

The anky swung, the giga dodged it, used its abnormally large head to ram the anky, tipped it over, mauled it and killed it, just like that.

The stego then swung but it's tail was caught by the gigas jaw, it's sliced it clean off with the sharp teeth it held.

The stegosaur bled and collapsed, the giga had beat the two just like that.

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