Chapter IX - Mystery Man

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"Umm fellas, we lost?" Jimmy asked

"No, it's just the place looks a lot different! Oh why would you care anyway if it's different you've never been here!" Jordan responded

"The suns settin' and it's gettin' dark, we're going to have to find somewhere to sleep and fast!"

"Alright then, we'll settle here, just make twig huts or something." And once everyone had made their little twig huts, everyone slept.

"You're not going to leave me are you? You were so close to finding me and now your 'search party' doesn't want to find me, you go along with them! LISTEN to me Tony, I'm out there, you know I'm out there, I'm the reason you came here, you saw my dinosaurs, you'll get NOWHERE if you don't find me, find me, do it NOW!"

Tony awoke in the middle of the night, he looked around himself and saw everyone sleeping, not a sound was heard other than the crickets chirping in the background.

"He's right." So he crawled out of the twig hut and continued the search for TJ.

"He's still out there, I'll find him eventually!" Tony was officially out of the redwoods and entered into a prairie, there was fireflies swarming the area and herds of apatosaurus resting their heads."

"The, former, allosaurus exhibit, so beautiful, it's like an actual prairie you'd see in the real world... wait, these apatosaurs are definitely new, I'm on the right track I just have to keep going forward!"

Morning approached, and everyone was one by one waking up, the first was Jordan.

"What a terrible sleep that was, my back is absolutely killing me!" He thought. "I best wake everyone up and get a move on." Jordan looked around the camp, he noticed someone was missing. "Oh my God, where has Tony went?.. I'm going to have to find him, it's best everyone else stays safe here." And Jordan ran off, leaving 'Brodie' behind to keep his act up all by himself.

"TONY!" He shouted. "Oh where has that prick escaped to?" Jordan soon found himself back in the swamp. "HELLO? ANYONE?"

The mix of a reptile, a bird and an amphibian emerged from the water again, hissing and widening its mouth.

"Oh of course, you again, do you have anywhere else to be? Anything better to do?"

The Spinosaurus made a huge splash, drenching Jordan in water and then it went in for the attack. He began to run, but he couldn't get too far whilst in the sticky marshland. "Guess I shouldn't stayed with the others." He gulped, as the spino went in for a bite.

But a bullet went into the spinosaur's jaw, forcing it to retreat back a little, and Jordan was grabbed by the wrist and taken out from the swamp, the person who saved him appeared to have a bush on their head as well as mud smeared across their uniform.

"Who the fuck is this? Eric Kirby?" Jordan asked.
"Shhh." The person responded, rapidly sprinting to take Jordan out of the swamp.

"T-Tony? Is it YOU?... oh my god respond!"

"Shut up!" They said, whispering

"Ok so not Tony.. look I'm going to need an explanation because I'm not in a happy mood-"

The spinosaurus swung its crocodilian head into the two characters, launching them in the air.

"Thanks a lot you ass!.. let's hope I survive this again..."


"Just kidding, no need to hope." They shot a grappling hook and it connected to a tree.

"Alright so.. Erica Kirby then? Because, you know, you definitely aren't a boy."

"Really?" The mystery character revealed themselves to be... Julia..

"Sorry, who are you?"

"What? It's me! Julia! You know, we used to work together? We saw each-other every time you came to the restaurant!"

"I mean I'm glad you saved my life but.. I don't know who you are."

"Ok then... so what's this about you thinking I was Tony?"

"Long story... basically Tony wanted to return to the island because he wanted to find TJ so he got people like me to join him for a search party to save him and everyone else who was missing I guess."

"So... Tony is here? On the island?"

"Yep, as well as a lot of other people, what have you been doing since you've been, well, stuck on the island?"

"I've been working for TJ-"

"So TJ IS alive?"

"..yeah? Who do you think made the thing that almost killed you just then?"

"Fair enough, do you know where he is?"

"In that stupid incubation centre, he's making these overly powered dinosaurs so he can 'take over the world' with them."


"Yep, he's pretty evil, apparently he's been making them evil from the start, I used to work for him but after that attack from the spino, he probably presumed I was dead."

"That just gives everything a whole new meaning to me... Tony isn't evil?"


"Look, I'll answer the questions after you answer mine, whats with the gadgets?"

"TJ gave me, Albert and Kate all of them to keep us alive, whilst there's several life-threatening dinosaurs roaming about the island you never know when you're going to need the help. So he's not TOO evil, but still evil.. you know... anyway- answer my questions now, what about Tony? What are you doing here?"

"Well, it's because I always blamed the parks failure on Tony, because it's his fault for not preparing for more, I didn't realise TJ was creating the dinosaurs as aggressive killing machines the whole time... I told him to stop looking for TJ, we stopped for the night, I woke up and he was gone, so I was trying to find him and ended up here... can you help me look for him?"

"Why not, I have nothing better to do."

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