Chapter VII - Terrorsaurs

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They were about 30ft off of the ground, the plane being held upright by the trees it had crashed onto.
After a few hours had passed, everyone was one by one, waking up. The first was Greg.

"Shit... what happened?" He looked at his surroundings and saw his unconscious little brother slumped next to him. "DANNY!" He shook him "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" He started slapping him repeatedly, and then began to sob "DANNY! ARE YOU THERE? HELLO? HELLO? Oh I'm such a fucking idiot, I shouldn't known that money wasn't worth it, I'm so sorry Danny, I'm so SORRY."

"Heh heh heh." Danny opened his eyes

"You little shit."

"I couldn't hold it in any longer, I had to laugh."

"Listen, I'm sorry I got you into this, we can just call the police and leave right now if we want to- wait where is this place? I've been here twice and I still don't know.... Well shit."

"Well I'm just glad we're both still alive."

"Yep... let's go check the cockpit, we should be ok, if the pilots are alive."

They opened the door and to their horror, they were severely injured, the glass had shattered all over them and they were in definitely no position to ever fly again.
Greg dropped to his knees. "Oh...oh no."

Just then, Fred woke up, and began to scream, VERY loudly. "I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS! CALL AN AMBULANCE! IT BURNS, IT HURTS!"

"Ok, we're getting help! Dan, stay watching him."

Greg walked out of the cockpit "alright which ones the medic?" He walked over to someone in a nurses uniform "wearing that's a little unnecessary." He thought. "...WAKE UP!" But there was no response. "Who knew waking up unconscious people was going to be hard?"

"Alright then Fred, I'm going to have to try and.. I dunno slap a bandage on you?.. just hold still a sec." and Greg pulled the glass out of Fred's arm. "AGHHH." Fred screamed, he then wrapped a bandage around the wound. "Right then, like 50 more of that to go and then you should be alright."

But then the plane began to shake, and that seemed to wake everyone up.
It was the tropeagnathus, it had returned.

Well, everyone except Amelia, she sadly died on impact when the plane crashed.

"This is just a perfect start to our day isn't it?" Greg said to Danny "Well I wonder where the plane is falling this time?"

"Not to worry!" Tony walked over to them. "I'm awake and I know exactly what to do! The plane is going to fall into a body of water, I recognise this area as the former baryonyx pen, put on these life jackets!"

The shaking began to stop. And the tropeagnathus retreated

"Is anyone else awake?" Greg asked.

"Yep, everyone. That shake sure shook up everyone, HA!"

"Do it! Bust him now!" Jordan whispered to Chad "We wouldn't of been on this crashed plane if it wasn't for him!"

"No, I can't, no one has died so it would just be unfair."

"Amelia hasn't got a pulse, she's gone." Millie described

"Oh no, I'm having a repeat of what happened last time already, oh no... a tropeagnathus though? I've never had them in the park, isn't that right Jordan?"

"Well, is it?" Chad whispered

"Yep, that's true." Jordan responded

"Very interesting." Chad noted that down

"WAIT! TJ MUST BE ALIVE! He's the only one who makes the dinosaurs! Oh how good is that?- well obviously not too good because Amelia is dead... I'm sorry, I shouldn't of acted like that-"

"HELLO? I'M DYING HERE!" Fred shouted

"Sorry!" And Millie went to help him.

"Now what in tarnation have I just witnessed?" Jimmy thought to himself "I really don't know if I belong here!"

"This isn't going too well Tony." Said Ned

"Ya think? It's not like we can turn back though."

But you know who can turn back? The tropeagnathus, with a whole bunch of other tropeagnathus' accompanying it.

"Oh come on!"

They began charging and hitting the plane at full force, and they eventually tipped it over into the water.
The emergency doors were opened, and everyone, with their life jackets on, had to jump out of the plane, the jet sank to the bottom of the murky waters of the swamp.

But the pterosaurs were not stopping there, and they all went in to swoop and grab everyone. Fred, being the weakest out of the 9, was grabbed first and quickly killed. Whilst everyone was swimming to that same mound of dirt the chefs did before them, they noticed something emerge out of the water, and it was none other than the spinsosaurus.

"AAAAAAAGHHHHHH." Danny screamed, Greg covered his mouth. "Shut up." And he pulled him onto land.

The Spino began attacking all of the flying demons, with no mercy. It bit ones head off, it stomped on another, it torn several to shreds until they were all dead, and it gave everyone enough time to run away, practically saving them.
Whilst running, everyone looked at Tony, he had some explaining to do.

"Look, I didn't know there was a SPINOSAURUS! TJ is the only person who creates the dinosaurs!..." there was a huge silence, until they escaped the swamp and arrived in what appeared to be a redwood forest.

"Ah yes, the T-Rex exhibit, don't worry, it's dead now."

"Yeah but the spino isn't, stop admiring everything, 2 people have been killed already." Jordan snapped

"NOT BY ME! You know I didn't have any plans of a Spinosaurus, or a Tropeagnathus to be in the park! This was all created by TJ, somehow come on give me a break!"

"I don't see any point in looking for TJ." Jodie spoke up "we're just going to have to survive, he's creating these dinosaurs that are clearly too dangerous to be around."

"But he's my best friend- oh you're right, I've put everyone in a dangerous situation AGAIN, come on, let's find some shelter."

"Dangerous situation AGAIN? Dude, what happened? Make sure to give in all the deets as well! And repeat them so I can jot them down in my notepad!" Brodie requested

"You're making it too obvious, shut up." Jordan said through his teeth.

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