Chapter IV - Jodie, Jordan and a Jammy Man

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Ring ring

"Come on come on!" Jodie crossed her fingers and picked up the phone

"Hello? Is this Jodie?"

"Yes, is this Tony?"

"Yes, it is! Anyway, I was wondering if you could-"

"Greg told me everything, how much are you offering me? Cause I'll do it as long as I see 6 digits."

"Umm, $200,000?"

"Why thank you, how kind! Of course I'll go on your mission to look for the missing people... when am I paid?"

"I'll do it online."

"Ok, thank you! Bye!"


"Oh that Tony, he's going to pay for the innocent lives he's ruined alright, it's time I rat him out to the police and be a good guy, he'll pay for what he's done, accident or not! I just don't know how I'll ever be able to pin point exactly where that island is!"

Ring ring

"Who could that be? TONY!?" Jordan grinned. "Hello?"

"Umm hey Jordan, just a quickie, well, a quick message not a quick.. whatever, well basically I've been really agitated with the fact many people could still be out there on the island! Oliver, TJ, Albert, Kate and Julia could all still verily be out there, and I need your help to find them, please! I've had to assemble a team of only the most trustworthy people to help me find them back on the island. Remember, all the carnivores have been killed so the place will be overran with herbivores and the place will be harmless! Please, join me, I need all the hell I can get!"

"Well, Tony, is it alright if I bring a 'friend' with me? He's an expert at finding things, I bet he'll really be a high rank officer one day!"

"What's his name?"

"Uh, Brodie Bannon."

"Oh, I've never heard you mention him before, but hey, as long as he doesn't tell anyone and can keep a secret, then it's fine by me!"

"Oh believe me, he'll be able to keep a secret alright... so, when is this?"

"I was thinking, next week? I know it's really short notice but I don't know how much longer they'll have out there alone and we really need to step I as quick as we can and help!"

"And how long will this search last for?"

"A week?"

"Ok then, sounds good, I'll let 'Brodie' know about this as soon as possible."



"And that's everyone!" Tony laid a huge sigh of relief. "Me, Ned, Jordan, his friend, Jody, Greg, his brother, Jimmy, Amelia, Millie and Fred! That's 11! An extra one that's great!"


"Hey Chad, you want to do some undercover work?"

"What's this for?"

"Remember when I told you about Tony? We have a chance to fly back, he's looking for people he ABANDONED and he'll probably mention the several deaths of the people that have died in the park, it's a perfect opportunity for you!"

"Alright then, what's my undercover name?"

"Brodie Bannon, I haven't said anything about your personality other than the fact you're good at finding things, which in that case is obviously the people

"Alright then, when does this all get started?"

"Next week, and we should be there for a week."

"Ok, I'll let the department know."

"You mustn't forget, we're about to get this fraud the penalty he deserves."

"Of course."

"Bye now."


"Why did I ever agree to work for a dinosaur park? I watched all of the friends I made along the way die horrible deaths. Including my best friend. And it's all his fault, I can't wait to see him behind bars, that villain will finally get what he deserves!"


"Albert have you been keeping track of Tapejara 7?" TJ asked

"Not recently, it's moved too far away from the island and I've lost its signal."

"That's, good. That's where we want them to go, off of this island, closer to humanity.. now how are the theropods getting along?"

"Quite well sir, the Giganotasaurus has grew rapidly in the last few days, it should reach full maturity very soon."

"Well they don't call it the Giga for nothing, keep injecting it, how's the spinosaurus getting along?"

"We haven't heard of the spinosaurus in a while." Julia explained

"What do you mean? We have a tracker on all of them!"

"About that, it says the spino is here, but every time I check with the drone, it isn't there."

"Looks like we have a rogue dinosaur on our hands! Heh heh. How exciting!" The tone in T.J's voice dropped. "Kill it."

"You said you worked very hard on it though, why do you want to kill it?"

"It's no good to me if I don't have the power over it, find it, NOW, here's some rifles, it might not be too late just yet."

"What do you mean, just yet?"

"Don't worry about it, just worry about killing that damn crocodile!.. NOW!"

Albert, Julia and Kate all ran off to look and kill the spinosaur, meanwhile, TJ decided to create another spino

'Of course it's destroyed the tracker that thing is terribly dangerous' he thought to himself 'oh well time to make an unfortunately less dangerous one'

TJ walked into the incubation room and locked it, walking past several tanks, with the labels 'crocodile eggs' 'frog spawn' 'chicken eggs' 'fish eggs' and many others which would take a while to name

"At least everything is easy to make, he may of took everything from me financially, but at least he left a few eggs around for me to make these 'dinosaurs' with." TJ smirked "I mean he's going to have a few of these lying around because of the many reptile parks he owns"

He pulled the lid off of a salamander tank and grappled the spawn with his gloves and placed them into a little plastic bag. He then opened what appeared to be an incubator and did the same thing with crocodile eggs and then finally, some frilled lizard eggs.

He cracked the eggs and mixed them all together, and then injected them with some sort of needle.

"It sounds unbelievable, but it works!" He grinned "just one small dosage of it though, don't want it ending up like the other one."

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