Chapter 16

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So it was 10:00 pm and we have 30 more minutes until rp is over. I finally got the strength to get up and pull my pants up at least😂. My friends come over, and I was really mad at sky. "Hey Laycee are you ok?" sky said. "Just go away sky!" And I threw my ice at her, btw I have anger issues. "Damn what's your problem." she said sitting next to me. I pushed her off the bench. "You! Your my problem why the fuck would you get that on tape and then post it! And then you also think I have feelings for your bf!" I mean come on she did get me pissed off, especially when she thought that I had feelings for her boyfriend. I yelled at her she walked away and sat down next to her boyfriend, Jack. They decided to make out In front of me, but the thing is I kind of did have feelings for him ever since brendens birthday party at rp... But I don't think he likes me back, Idk it's just hard to explain, I mean I like Nash, and Jack, which Is just getting all in my head. But I'm telling you no body loves a suicidal girl...

🕦🕦🕦After Rp🕦🕦🕦
Everyone was getting their skates off, and then I was getting mine off as well, I was walking out when sky called me. "Laycee!!" i just kept walking but faster. she caught up to me. "Do you need something?" I said getting really pissed off. "Can we talk?" Really sky, really! "Right now we are leaving I have to go." I said walking out the door leaving her face expression like, 'oh..'
😐😐😐 At Home😐😐😐
I decided to just run to my room, and cry. I sat there in the corner of my dark room covered in sweat and tears. I finally get the strength to get up, and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and get dressed into my pjs. I get out the scale. 110 ok I lost a pound, I look in the mirror, lift my shirt up above my stomach. "ugh I'm so fucking fat still!" I put the scale away, and put my phone on the charger, I got a text, from.. Jack.😯. Um this is crazy, why would he text me? I read it, it said,
Jack😆: Hey
Jack😆: are you still up?
I replied.
Me: Yeah I'm always up...
Jack😆: yea?
Me: Yeah
Me: so how are you?
Jack😆: tired hbu
Me: idk just not feeling the best..
Jack😆: oh I'm sorry, what's wrong?
Me: It's hard to explain.
Jack😆: come on you can tell me anything, I mean like we have known each other for 3 years, and I have kept all your secrets
Me: yeah I know but like.. ugh
Jack😆: you don't have to tell me I understand, but hey I'm always here for you!
Me: yeah thx😌
Jack😆: hey I gtg I'm wicked tired
Me: ok night
Jack😆: Night
Jack😆: night night
Jack😆: night night night
Jack😆: night night night night
Me: Night
Jack😆: night
I put my phone down and got under the covers, 'I'm so hungry' I thought to myself, my stomach keeps growling. I finally drifted off to sleep.

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