Gender Reveal - 4

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"Can you picture Harry's face when you tell him? He'll be so happy." Hailey smiled and sat next to you while you waited in the doctor's office. You wanted Harry to be here for this special moment. You both have been dreaming about it since you found out you were pregnant."Wish he was here, I'm a little nervous," you murmured, bouncing your leg up and down, rubbing your tummy and feeling your baby swimming around inside you. "No offence but I'd be a lot calmer here with Harry, but I'm glad you came with me."

"Don't apologize, dear. I understand. I want Matt here with me too. It's his baby too, but everything will be fine. He loves surprises and is ecstatic when you tell him."You didn't mean to be so nervous. You wanted everything to go smoothly so you could hurry and get home in time for Harry. And in all honesty, you wanted him with you. The night before was hard for both of you. Harry told you that he couldn't come to the appointment because of the last-minute meeting that Jeff had scheduled.

*The night before*

"What do you mean you can't come? Harry, this is our baby. We'll find out the sex of our baby tomorrow and you won't even come."

"I'm aware it's our baby, Y/N. I want to be with you so bad, that's all I've been thinking about since we found out. However, Jeff called this meeting at the last minute and I have no choice."

"Jeff can fuck himself, Harry. You and I fathered this baby together, we deserve to find out together, and you prefer meeting your pregnant wife."

"Babe, I have no choice! This is my job! You knew all this when you agreed to marry me. I try to be a good husband and take care of my soon-to-be family. Look, I know it would be ideal for both of us to be normal, have a normal family, and not travel much, but it's not. That is my life. It's been like this since I was sixteen."

"Fine, I'll just make Hailey go instead."

"You and I can celebrate tomorrow night with any kind of pizza and a nice bath, okay? We're going to talk about the nursery and what colours we want it to be and we can choose names, okay?"


"Mrs Styles?" The nurse's voice chirps, snapping you out of your thoughts. You and Hailey stand up and follow her to the assigned room for both of you. After checking your vitals and making a little small talk, she makes you both wait for the doctor.

"What are you thinking about?" Hailey wondered, taking your hand and squeezing it gently."What if it's not healthy?" you croaked, staring at the wall behind her. "What if something is wrong? What if deep down Harry wanted a boy and it's a girl? Or the other way around."

"Y/N, stop it." She whispered, "Harry won't care what it is. He just wants you and Baby Styles to be healthy and happy."

Before you could reply, the door click caught your attention and the doctor peeked in with a smile.

"Hi!" She sang, "How are you?"

"I'm a little nervous, to be honest, Harry isn't here and I'm a little excited," she murmured as you sat down on the table and lifted your shirt just enough to expose your stomach.

"Oh, don't be nervous! Today is the big day! You'll surprise him when you get home." She smiled as she spread the goo on your stomach, placing the sensor on it and wiggling it back and forth."There are baby styles! All ten tiny fingers and toes, cute little nose," she smiled, making you and Hailey smile. "Perfectly healthy."

Harry Styles Pregnancy Series (Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum