Part 3 : Inaya is dating Saud!

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I am now sitting in my Biology class and the teacher hasn't entered yet. Everyone was trying to make new friends whereas I was thinking about today morning! Allah knows what would have happened if Saud, Bhai and Ishaan didn't come on time. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone is sitting beside me. Ugh! Why does this guy has to sit besides me? Couldn't a girl sit here? I just hope he's not like Sid, annoying. " Hey, I am Max, and you? " Said the guy who's name is Max. " Inaya Khan." I replied. He again spoke " Oh, nice name. Nice to meet you. Wait, are you Asad Khan and Aryan Khan's sister? And are you related to Saud Khan and Ishaan Verma?" I was shocked by his question so I answered and questioned at the same time" Uhm, yes but how do you know that? Its my first day and no one knows about me except a few. So how do you know about us? " he replied " Oh God! You really need to come with me to the campus! Come on quick. " I wasn't sure whether to go or not, but if he knows about them so I should go. I quickly muttered ' Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem ' before going with him. Whenever we're about to do something or start something new, we say that to take blessings from Allah. I followed him to the campus and saw a crowed gathered. Max made way for us to go so we passed through the crowd and that's when I spotted my brothers and friends! Ya Allah! What's going on? I quickly ran to them and saw Asad bhai beating..... Sid? Oh no! He was about to punch Sid when I shouted "Bhai! What are you doing and why are you__ Ya Allah! You're bleeding! Someone please get the first aid. Please! " I was terrified when I saw blood oozing out of his lips and some scratches on his face. Saud rushed to us with Ishaan and Aryan bhai, they were handling Sid's friends except Damian. That's when I saw that Saud's condition is way more worse than Bhai. Max gave me the first aid box and I did Bhai's first aid while sobbing and at the same time, shouting at him for getting into a fight. He was saying " Inu, I am okay, don't worry, I don't need this, ouch! Why did you do that" I pressed lightly on his wound so that he stops and allows me to do my work. " So that you shut up! Bhai! Don't you know that I cannot see you like this? " I was done with him so I moved to Saud who was reluctant to get his first aid done. Why do they act like kids when it comes to first aid? I took some Dettol in a cotton swab to first disinfect his wound, but as I was about to clean his wound, he started arguing. " Ugh Inaya! I swear I don't need this. I am all good. " That's when we heard some girl with a high pitched voice say, " Um, excuse me. If you don't want to get it done from, ugh whats your name? Oh yes, Inaya, I can do it for you. You won't even realize the pain or burning. " I turned around only to see a girl wearing neon pink crop top & shorts, and I swear she was literally wearing a 4 inch heel and then she was able to reach Saud's shoulder maybe. He was 6'4 and I could reach an inch above his shoulders without heels, so Miss. High Heels is shorter than me! Wow! I smiled mischievously before giving the cotton swab to her. The expression on Saud's place was priceless when I passed it to her. I was moving back when he held my hand and immediately said " Um, Inaya! Actually, it would be much better if you did my first aid with your hands! I would love it! "My eyes go wide when I hear him say that, and at the same time, I could feel my heart skipping a beat. I quickly turn to him and he made those puppy eyes and gestured me to take back the cotton from Miss. High Heels. I mentally shouted as now he was ready to get his first aid done. " Aww, Inaya you're so lucky that you'll be able to touch him! I am jealous of you." Eww, gross! I bet she wouldn't say this thing if she saw Saud sleeping with his mouth open, or talking with all the food in his mouth when eating food. She was about to leave, but again turned to us and said "Oh! I am so sorry that I asked if I could do his first aid! I didn't know you are Saud's girlfriend. I am extremely sorry!" She said. When I heard her addressing me as Saud's girlfriend, I started coughing so bad that Aryan bhai had to pat my back for a while. Aryan Bhai then dramatically said " Oh yes! Inaya is dating Saud! " Once she left, I looked at Saud and Aryan Bhai as if I was ready to kill them! How could they say that!? Saud said sorry while holding his ears and I did his first aid, followed by Aryan Bhai and Ishaan. I don't know why but Ishaan looked disturbed and lost somewhere. Soon the head teacher came to the campus with our P.T teachers and some peons. They asked the boys the reason why they were fighting and once they heard the reason, Sid was given a warning. When others had left, I told them " Listen you 4, this is not over yet. I want to meet all of you in the canteen during the break. Is it clear? " I left the campus in anger with Max and went to the class. I then turned to Max and said " Max, thankyou so much for informing about their fight. If you didn't inform me, Allah knows what would've happened there! Thankyou very much! " " Oh Inaya, its nothing. No need to thank me. But why were they fighting? " Asked Max. I sighed and replied " Actually, Sid, our senior was misbehaving with me today morning. Saud asked him to leave me but he didnt. Then Ishaan had to punch him and that's when he left me. One of Sid's friend tried to stop him but he didn't. Now when Asad bhai came to know about it, so I guess he couldn't tolerate it and all this happened. " The expression on his face was like he was surprised. We then attended our Bio class and after 2 more classes, it was the break time. We had decided to meet at the table where we were sitting this morning, so I went there and saw everyone present there. They looked kinda, scared? Oh yes! After all, I have to take their lesson now.


That was it for today's chapter! I am nit sure that when will the next update come, because I am out of town and will return tomorrow. Make sure to press the button and also drop your opinions in the comment box below💬
Till then, take cate amd stay safe🙏
Thankyou for reading

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