Quick A/N

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So, recently, as I've had quite a bit of free time, I've gone through and I've rewritten the past chapters. Sorry about doing this instead of writing, but there were a few things that I had to go back and fix, as well as I had to make sure it was still going with how the story is now flowing.

See, when Quick and I started this book we weren't gonna have that annoying little underlined voice in Yelena's head. And we weren't going to have panic attacks or quite a bit of the things that you guys have commented on and/or liked. So the story ended up changing a lot, and so did the writing style we used in it.

That's why I'm rewriting things.

I would suggest going back and rereading the book, as I have changed quite a bit and added a few more important things.

Thanks for reading all this if you did!

And if you didn't... then you're just going to miss out on all the amazing jokes I added while rewriting. Ha! Take that! >:3

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