Chapter 11 ~ I Missed You, Kiddie

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Everyone was frozen for a moment, different ranges of emotion crossing their faces. Then Tony broke it by dashing out of the room. Everyone followed quickly, even the kids and Fanny.

Bruce met them outside of the med bay's doors, a smile stretched across his face.

"Peter's awake! You can all see him, just don't crowd him!" he said, his eyes meeting Yelena's. "Who are you?"

Tony waved Bruce away, "We'll explain later, now let me see my kid."

Bruce nodded and let everyone else pass. Natasha followed slowly, almost as if she was scared to see Peter. Yelena hesitated outside of the doors, before walking in.

I'm not in the Red Room. No one will hurt me here. I'm safe.

The med bay was lit up brightly, and had rows of white beds in it. Most of the beds were empty, except for one, which had a young boy with messy chestnut hair and big brown eyes.

"Mr. Stark!" the boy, who must have been Peter, exclaimed. Tony reached over and gave him a huge hug. "Ha! Ow! Ow! Not so tight Mr. Stark!"

Tony loosened his grip, but continued to hug him, "I missed you, kiddie."

Peter laughed. "C'mon, it wasn't that long!"

Tony let go of Peter and sat down on the bed. "It might have been short for you, but I'm pretty sure it was an eternity."

Peter seemed to have zoned out, his eyes filling with tears, "Мама паук?"

Natasha laughed. There were a few tears mixed with the laugh, but she won't admit that, "You can see me!"

"You're alive," Peter whispered softly, "I thought I was only dreaming it."

"She's.... really here?" Tony whispered. If a kid who had just woken up after being in a coma could see her, there was no way this was all fake. He blinked, and there was Natasha.

"I should probably explain that," Peter mumbled, "So... I may or may not have kind of sort of died. A little bit."

"WHAT?!" Tony freaked out.

"Maybe? Well somehow, I was outside of my body. I could see myself laying on the bed, and I saw Natasha sitting next to me, waiting for me to wake up. I thought I only dreamed it, but I guess I might have just died for a minute or two, or something"

"Wait. You've been sitting next to Peter this whole time? Just waiting?" Captain America cut in.

Natasha nodded and spoke quietly, "I kept watch."

"The whole time?" Sam raised an eyebrow, "That must have been boring."

Tony sent Sam a glare before looking back to Natasha, "Thank you, for watching over him."

Natasha nodded again.

"You're not really dead though. I think," Peter said.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Not. Dead...." she thought about that for a minute. "Huh. I guess that explains why I haven't seen any other ghosts around."

"Who's that then?" Peter asked, looking at Yelena.

Yelena laughed, "You think I'm a ghost? I hope I don't seem like a ghost!"

"She's my sister," Natasha said.

Peter let out an excited gasp, "YOU HAVE A SISTER?! I had no idea! Hello mysterious sister that no one had an idea existed!"

"Hello ребенок паук that recently woke up from a coma after defeating a crazy rock collector."

"Wait. Natasha's a ghost. That's her sister. And you all believe this?" Bruce said, folding his arms.

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