Chapter 16 ~ It Will Always Haunt You

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Trigger warning for a panic attack. I'll put ~-------------------------------------~ at the start and finish so you know when to skip.

Yelena was in pain.

There was no other way to explain it. Her side hurt, her head hurt, breathing hurt, everything just hurt. But it was not the worst pain Yelena had felt, and so it wasn't the hardest to reign in her thoughts and remember her training.

The first thing she did was to make sure she was breathing evenly, to give off the image that she was still unconscious. Every breath she took would make her ribs flare up in pain, but she was not going to give away the fact that she was awake.

The next thing she did was to carefully flex some of the muscles in her legs and arms. If there was something resisting the flex then she was tied down. However, nothing resisted her this time.

Not tied down then. Good, it'll be easier to escape.

Then finally, Yelena slowly cracked open one eye, enough to see, but not enough to be noticeable unless you were really looking.

She closed it right away, however, as the bright overhead lights seemed to be blinding as it bounced off of the white walls and floors. There was only one place that bright that she knew of, and the thought of it caused panic to flash through Yelena.

Med bay.


Yelena fought to keep her breathing even as her panic grew. The Red Room had found her. Brought her there to punish her. She had disobeyed them. They weren't going to let that pass.

Med bay was where you went when you did something wrong. When they didn't need you anymore.

Keep calm. Dreykov is dead. There is no Red Room anymore. A small voice in the back of her head fought.

The louder voice fought against that thought. Dreykov can't die. He never died. The Red Room will never go away. It will always haunt you.

Breathe. Yelena reminded herself, When you panic you can't think straight. Higher chance you will be killed.

She drew in a deep breath through her nose, In 2 3 4 5

Then let it out through her mouth, Out 2 3 4 5 6 7

She repeated the breathing a few times while reminding herself that Dreykov was dead, the Red Room was gone, she wasn't tied down, she was free.

The panic diminished, but it was still there, causing a sinking feeling in Yelena's chest. But she could think again, so she opened her eyes once more, this time squinting them until they adjusted, before opening them fully.

Screw being careful, Yelena was in too much pain to care anymore. If anyone tried to stop her she would beat them up.

The silhouette of a man was standing above her, and the sight of him caused Yelena's panic to escalate. She quickly sat up. Sliding a two inch blade out of hiding, she held it to his neck.

His eyes met hers in shock, "Yelena?"

"Кто ты и на кого работаешь?! (Who are you and who do you work for?!)" she demanded, trying to reign in her panic.

He didn't reply, and Yelena was tempted to kill him, but before she could even try, someone else grabbed her wrists and tried to pry the knife out of her hands.

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