"Who is she?" He asked again, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, staring at me
"Fine. Kingsley Hadley" I said
"Hadley. Related to Grant Hadley?" He asked
"His daughter" I said begrudgingly.

He chuckled
"Don't think you'll stand a chance there then I'm afraid" he said
"I don't know, I'm making progress I think" I shrugged
Can't he just get back to the point?

"Well, either way, be wary, Grant Hadley's a fucking nut job when he wants to be" he said, grabbing some papers off the desk
Great. A psycho for a father in law

"And Dmitri Petrov isn't? I think you should concentrate on the guys that will actually kill you dad. Most Grant will do is keep me away from her. And I won't let that happen" I said
She is the perfect girl
She's been the girl on my mind for years.

He laughed again
"Alright alright"

Kingsley's POV

"So, where's lover boy?" Alex asked, picking at her fries
Maria was too busy in drama club and Aubrey had a cheer leaders meeting. One Alex was blowing off.

"Sick. Apparently" I said
"Apparently? Ooh, he lying already?" She asked
"What? No, why would you assume that?" I asked
She shrugged
"You give it enough time and they all start lying" she said.

"Well what about your little one night stand? She started lying to you yet?" I asked
"Athena? No, it's actually going pretty well. I'm seeing her again on Friday" she said
I was glad for her
It was rare for Alex to find someone she actually liked and connected with.

"What are you doing?" I asked
"Going to that new club, down in the town by the beach" she said
"I hope you have fun, you never know, she could be the one" I said happily
"Yeah yeah, you stick to your 'sick' boyfriend and I'll stick to my 'one night stand'" she giggled.

He was sick. Tommy wouldn't lie
And Kade wouldn't have a day off for no reason
And just as that thought entered my head
"He's not my boyfriend" I mumbled simply
My phone buzzed

Sorry, been in and out of sleep all day, not feeling too good, but I miss you

So I text him back, telling him how I hope he felt better soon, and that I could drop by on my way home from school to see him.

To which he replied immediately with yes.

The walk to Kade's house wasn't too bad, he didn't live far from school
And when I did eventually get there, a man who I assumed was his dad was getting out of a car
Before he looked at me.

"Can I help you?" He asked nicely
I had stopped in my tracks
"Yes, sorry, I was... here to see Kade?" I asked
He looked at me for a moment
"You wouldn't happen to be Kingsley Hadley would you?" He asked, I nodded.

"Ah, I think he's expecting you" he chuckled, walking towards the door
"Surprised he's let anyone round... with how sick he is" he said, letting me in, closing the door behind me
"Yes, I do apologise, I just wanted to bring him some soup, to help him get better" I explained.

"He's upstairs, 4th door on the left" he said, I nodded with a smile, beginning my way up the steps
"Oh and Kingsley?" He called out, stopping me once more
"Tell your father, Grant, that I pass on my regards" he said with a grin.

"Sure" I said, he knew my dad?
I made my way upstairs, knocking on Kade's door
"What?" He called out
I opened it ever so slowly
"Hey" I said.

"Kingsley" he said, seemingly surprised to see me, getting up from his bed
"No, no, lay down, you're ill" I said, going to him
I sat beside him, on the edge of the bed.

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