New Favourite Class

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I was woken up early by Sienna and Tiana jumping on my bed, their squeals echoing throughout the room.


I groan and threw them off the bed, "Why are you up so early?"

I'm being pulled from my bed and thrown onto the floor, "Because breakfast finished 20min ago and we need to get to class."

I sit up straight and look to find my new uniform hanging neatly on my bed. It's just a simple purple check skirt and white blouse. I quickly put it on, slip on some sneakers and follow the girls to our first class.

Only they stop at the cafeteria, "I thought we were late."

They both laughed at me and shook their heads, "Nope, we just got tired of trying to get you up for an hour."

"For a ghoul, you sleep an awful lot, Alyssa."

 I roll my eyes and walk into the cafeteria. It was fuller than yesterday, almost every table is full with students ranging from 10 to 18 years old. We stand in line to get a breakfast tray. It looks like some raw minced meat and a plain bread roll. I look at the girls confused then back down at my tray. I can't eat this.

They drag me to a table closest to the doors of the cafeteria where two other boys are waiting. One of them had thick frames and messy brown hair, the other had a shaved head and constantly quirked eyebrow. Both had very broad shoulders and large biceps.

We sit down across from the two and sienna introduced them, "The idiot who doesn't brush his hair is Cooper, and the one that looks pissed all the time is my brother Mason. Boys, this is Alyssa, be nice."

They both held out to shake mine. I shake Mason's but when I went to shake Cooper's I noticed he was missing a finger, he pinky on his right hand.

"Where's your finger?"

The table laughs and Cooper goes a bright red, "I kinda forgot to put it on this morning. I broke it off while arm-wrestling with Mason. Now I have to sew it back on every morning."

I giggle, "I'm guessing Mason won the arm wrestle?"

"That would be correct Miss Alyssa."

I looked down at my food with second thoughts. Did I really want to eat raw meat?

"Stop looking at your food like it's going to come alive and eat it before I take it for myself."

Sienna grumbles, "Mason, you are such a pig."

"What? She's not eating it, so I should eat it!"

I ignore their grumbles and reluctantly take a spoonful of mince into my mouth. It didn't taste as bad as I had expected, it was juicier than cooked mince and had more flavour. The texture was terrible and it definitely beat the piss shit and burnt toast slob we got served at my last school.

We continued to chat away as we ate breakfast, the girls sharing stories of the boy's crazy adventures to the cafeteria at midnight and the boys sharing stories of the girl's sleepovers they had crashed over the years. It wasn't until the bell that I had realized that we were the last ones to leave.

"Um, are we supposed to be at class?"

The girls give me a funny look before laughing, "It's your first day and you're already trying to get us to class early."

The boys roll their eyes and get up from the table, "Don't mind them, they are always late. Do you know what your first class is?"

I shake my head, "I don't, but I'm supposed to have all the same classes as these two."

Mason smiles and offers his hand, "Well that means we have our first class together. Off to Bio, we go!"

I waved back to the girls and followed Mason and Cooper. I followed them through twists and turns until we stopped in front of a discolored wooden door. As I walk in the smiling teacher pulls me to the front.

"You must be Alyssa Charles, welcome to my class."

She turns to the class, there are no more than 20 kids in here, all-around 16-18years old. The classroom looks like the science classes back at my old school only more discoloured like someone has sucked the life out of a chair if that's even possible.

"Good Morning Class, please welcome our newest student Alyssa Charles."

She points me to sit at a vacant towards the middle of the classroom, right behind Mason and another boy. The teacher went back to the teacher before Mason turned around.

"Did you bring any books or did my sister forget to mention that."

I lean over the table and whisper back, "We needed books?"

He chuckles and shakes his head before handing me a notebook and two pens, "Take notes so you can pass the end-of-week exam or you'll fail."

"Why thank you, good sir."

His smile doesn't vanish as he turns back around to the front. The boy sitting next to him turns around. He has the most gorgeous pair of green eyes I had ever seen, his dark hair sat delicately on his forehead, and the little scar on his chin ran through the bottom of his full lips. His pale skin makes his eyes more vibrant. I couldn't help but stare.

"Welcome Miss Charles, I'm Dean."

I couldn't control the smile that overcame my face, "Well nice to meet you, Dean."

"How is-"

A loud bang interrupted Dean as Sienna and Tiana stumbled into class, giggling like lunatics.

"Miss Young and Miss Brock, you are over 20minutes late, go sit down."

The girls stood up straight and tried to muffle their giggles as Tiana sat down next to Cooper and Sienna sat next to me. 

She looks between Dean and me, raising a suggestive eyebrow, "I see that you've met our resident goody-two-shoes Dean Adams."

I chuckle, "Well I didn't know he was a goody-two-shoes, but yes I have met Dean."

He groans and then turns back around to the front and continues writing notes up until the bell rings and I'm dragged off by Tiana and Sienna to my next class.

Bio is definitely my Favourite Class.

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