First Date Jitters

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I walked back into the dorm completely buzzing full of adrenaline. I threw my books onto my bed and jumped on top of the girls who lay on Si's bed watching something on my charm.

"Guys! You'll never guess what happened! Dean touched my thigh and called me cute!"

They groan and roll away from me on the bed, "Like he did last week?"

"Or the week before that?"

"No, but-"

" "This time was different?" Love, you're so oblivious."

"You know that's what Dean said: I was oblivious."

Ti rolls her eyes, "You do realise that he likes you right?"

"He doesn't, he just thinks I'm cute."

It was Si's turn to roll her eyes and smack me up the back of the head, "Do you have the memory of a goldfish? We had this exact conversation last week! Everyone except you knows that he likes you."

".... yeah but that's not the point! He did something else today!"

"Did he stroke your hair?"

"Did he propose to you?"

"No, can you two please take this seriously?"

They giggled and made room for me to sit on the bed, "We're sorry but its pretty funny when you get annoyed with us."

I roll my eyes, "ANYWAYS, he put his hand up my skirt."

I look at both of their shocked faces.

"See, its different from last week."

Si looks at me, "Lyss, do you believe us now when we say that 'HE LIKES YOU'!?"

I roll my eyes again, "Ok, I guess I'm starting to see what you mean."

"You should ask him on a date."

I look at Ti like she's mad, "Where would we go on a date? We're literally stuck in a boarding school."

"Go for a midnight picnic at the tree, that's cute right?"

I nod my head for a second, "yeah I get where you're going with this. We'll talk about it in the morning and plan it then."

I get up from the bed and head towards my own and fall asleep excited for what tomorrow brings.


I'm woken up to Si jumping on top of the bed screaming.

"Wake up Alyssa!!!! We are late!"

I shoot up and look at the clock on my bedside table, I have 20 minutes until breakfast starts. Fuck. I rush around the room and pull on my uniform and grab my school supplies before bursting out of the room and sprinting towards the cafeteria, Sienna and Tiana running behind me. As we enter the cafeteria panting like dogs we find that the boys had only just sat down with their food. We walk towards the line-up and take a tray before taking a seat at the same table.

"Jeez Lyss, Your hair looks like a lion's mane."

The table laughs at me causing my cheeks to heat up, I pull a brush out of my bag and run it through my hair, "Very funny har har."

We continue eating in peace. I finish early and wave goodbye to my friends as I make my way to my first class of the day, History. A hand grabbed my wrist and swung me around in the silent hallway. I turn to see Dean's smiling face.

"Good Morning Lyss."

I give him a smile in return, "Morning Dean, do you need something?"

He chuckles, "Yes, I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

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