How it started.

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A/N: Hello, trying something a little different :) There is swearing, trauma, sex, and violence. Read at your own risk. 

DONT STEAL MY IDEAS (Thanks my loves xx)



Life as an average seventeen-year-old is always pretty boring, you're so close to freedom that it hurts every fiber of your being. Oh, how I wish that was the case for me.

About 25 years ago the first outbreak of putridum disease infected about 65% of the world, eating at their brains and causing the world to be gripped in a disgustingly thick panic state. What most believe to be a science experiment gone wrong was actually far more embarrassing. Thank you Barry Scott for eating a radioactive squirrel in Chernobyl. I didn't even know they had squirrels in Ukraine but here we are, millions of people infected because some tourist ate a squirrel. 

So, to put it bluntly, 65% of Earth's population was wiped out by a disease that turned them into 'zombies'. That's right people, it finally happened. 

The disease spread like crazy, jumping from continent to continent. It didn't spread through a bite like most comic books tell you, but touching the blood of the infected, so you can imagine how quickly the hospitals became unsafe. There was no such thing as law, it was every man for themselves. Those to survive were left with oasis villages planted across the globe. 

The first signs of the disease were a crazy fever and uncontrollable coughing fits. Sometimes the patient was lucky and had mixed it up with Covid-19. At least that had a cure! The next stage was violent seizure-like fits. If you got to this stage, no one could really help you. Finally, your brain liquefies and drips out of your nose. The body lies dormant for 12hrs before it resurrects and goes on trying to eat others or themselves.

Luckily, its been 25 years and the disease has evolved multiple times to the point where 'zombies' are now considered just another race. Putridum is not as contagious anymore either, the human needs to bite the zombie, and a massive plus, those who are infected keep their brains. It makes it easy for them to function as 'people', they don't try eating flesh and can do everything an average human can.

After the great drought of 2068, all the oasis colonies came together to create one big society of the last people on earth. I was only 5 at the time but I remember the excitement it brought my dad, the possibility to be whole with the last surviving members of the earth's population.

Now, I live in Serena, the capital of the last place on earth. Three walls surround the massive civilization that sits smack bang in the middle of the continent once known as 'America'. On the outside of those walls are destroyed buildings and the original souls infected in the first outbreak. We don't venture out there ever, not even the ghoulies that live in town, and they are Zombies!

I go to school at one of the human high schools closest to the council headquarters. It's mostly just a school full of the rich and famous. I only go to this school because it's the closest thing to  father's office that he could find, it really sucks when your parents just happen to run society.

Welcome to 2079, the year of new beginnings for the living dead.

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