The Transformation

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It didn't take long for Dad to come and get me from school, we spent an hour in the principal's office so he could go into mynute detail about wrong my treatment was. The problem is it's not the first offense for those two freaks but the school isn't going to acknowledge my mistreatment, it could give them a bad rep.

Dad said he'd get the mystery substance tested in the labs at the council headquarters. Honestly don't know why he's being so cautious, it looks like rotten food of some kind. The worst that could happen is I get food poisoning and vomit my guts up. Which is exactly what happened.

But in all honesty, it felt worse than that. And little did I know, the damage was done. My father took me home and thankfully so, because my stomach started feeling like I had swallowed a burning ball of lava. It was excruciating and every step towards our house made me feel like I was going to melt into nothing. But it wasn't until I got home that vomiting started. I spent over 5 hours hugging the toilet bowl, emptying the contents of my body over and over again. Mum tried giving me water and I regurgitated it straight after swallowing it.

When I finally got to bed it was mostly covered in old towels in case I woke up vomiting again, only they soaked up all the sweat I produced through the night. I had fevers and nightmares the entire night, tossing and turning as the hours ticked by. My chest ached, my stomach felt like the insides had been soaked in bleach and my throat was stripped of its lining. 

I had a monster of a headache, it felt as the someone was hammering nails directly into my skull. The pain was never-ending until about 1 am in the morning when I passed out from the pain. After that I felt nothing, I didn't know if I had become numb to the pain or just shut down completely.

This was the sickest I had been in my entire life and I woke up at 8:00 on the dot, ready for school.

Sitting down at the breakfast table, Mum and dad looked at me wearily.

"Morning Mum, Dad, how are you this morning."

They exchanged looks of concern before looking back at me. My mum was the first to speak up, her hand coming forward to grab mine.

"Sweetie, your eyes are really bloodshot. Did you sleep at all last night? Were you sick through the night?"

"I didn't get to sleep until 1 am but when I finally fell asleep I slept like the dead. I don't feel tired at all."

I lean over the table to grab the cereal, knocking my arm on the arm on the knife resting on top of the jam jar next to dad's toast. It cut a large gash on my forearm. At first, blood didn't come out of it, but slowly a black sludge-like goo started weeping out of my arm. 

My brain turned off as I looked at the black slowly running down my arm. I reached over to touch it, it coated my finger in the weird colour but it continued to run down my arm. I looked up at my parents and Mum's eyes are already full of tears and Dad's mouth is just gaping open in shock. In less than a second, my parents are moving quickly across the house with me in tow towards the car. Mum hands me a tissue to wipe up the 'blood', taking the tissue off me straight after and shoving it into a plastic bag.

I'm stuffed into the back of the old military vehicle we call 'Sharon' and we drive to the hospital. No words are exchanged between my parents, just quick glances and shakes of their heads. When we arrive I'm grabbed out of the back of Sharon, dragged to the front desk and my father is demanding to see Uncle Tom. He thrusts the bag with my tissue into the nurse's face, draining the colour from it.

More quick movements and shouts of a code black and I'm put into a room with Uncle Tom and two very concerned parents. I sit on the hospital bed, my parents standing against the far wall and Tom holds the 'evidence' bag up to the light as he inspects the contents.

"Tom. Please help her."

"Look, Xavier, I'll do what I can but it may be too late. Why didn't you bring her in sooner?"

My dad sighs and looks at the floor, "She had an incident at school, I was getting stuff sorted after it. I don't understand how this could have happened."

I looked between the adults standing in front of me, "Do you want to tell me what is actually going on? Or just pretend I'm not here?"

They stopped and looked at me, Mum is crying and clinging onto Dad, and Uncle Tom looks down solemnly.

"Sweetie, we think you've become a ghoul-"

He continued to talk but it was like the whole world suddenly went on mute. Suddenly I am hyper-focusing on parts of my body like the fact that my chest doesn't rise and fall with my breath. 

I'm not even breathing at all. 

The veins on my arm are black.

The sickly tinge of my skin.

 I can't feel or hear my heartbeat.

 It's completely stopped.

I tried crying but instead, my body became stiff and I stopped moving yet my brain was in overdrive.

What the fuck have they done to me.

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