[Ch3: System Prelude]

Start from the beginning


[Power] 2.7 [Speed]2.9 [Vitality] 3.4
[Perception] 1.8 [Intellect]1.6 [Manna] 2.0
[Power Level] 2.4

"I'm so weak"

He suddenly started feeling down.

"I guess I just saw the future, nothing more. Even an E-Ranker would kill me with a single well placed punch" he said with a sigh.

He was really depressed. After all, then minimum requirement to be a Hunter was to have a Power Level of at least 10.0!

That was twice a normal human's absolute limit!

It is no wonder that only such people have the ability to fight the ruthless monsters that roam the lands.

"Maybe I'll have some hope in my unique stats" Nick murmured, the word "unique stats" triggering the a system window to pop up.

[Charm Stars] 2.7 Stars
[Will Range] 31.319
[Luck Ratio] 2.3
[Soul Tier] Tier III

His [Will Range] constantly fluctuated between  31.312 to 28.698

"Haa..." He let out another sigh

He was hoping he would have at least retained his high luck.

"I forgot I did not have that item... Lemme check my skills"

Again, his words triggered his skill window and it was displayed almost immediately.

[Assistant Chef]

"So nothing changed" he couldn't help but sigh.

At this time in the past, he had been a Regular, so it seemed truly, nothing changed. He naturally ignored the fact he could see the System Window despite not Awakening...

"Oh well" Nick spoke as he stood up "I'll just make do with what I have"

His mood brightened up and he suddenly had a [Will Surge], his [Will Range] immediately going past 50 points.

With a mild smile on, he walked over to the computer table and on the average little swivel chair, he pressed his index finger on the surface of a small device.

It was black, and made from an unknown material but gave a technological feel. It was eleven inches in length partake to the length of the table and had a width of three inches and a half, with a thickness (height) of a little over a centimeter.

A green light scanned through his finger and a faint, barely audible click sounded. Starting from the center where his finger touched it, a straight line spread on either side of his finger going towards the ends, parallel and equidistant from the longer side of the device.

The line sank in to form a narrow gorge which went in further, causing the sleek black device to be separated through the middle into two equal sides. They moved away from each other, only connected by a flat semi-transparent holographic panel which lit up and revealed the setup of a standard 'QWERTY' keyboard.

The whole setup was now twelve-by-eight inches in size, still retaining it's original hichness.

A holographic screem floated into the air from the part of the device further away from Nick, causing a smile full of nostalgia to appear on his lips at the sight of his "old" yet familiar wallpaper.

He quickly navigated the PC and opened an. encrypted site. With a broad grin on his face, he entered the password for the Darkweb.

"Let's get to work."


What he failed to notice however, was his [Soul Tier] which showed [Tier III] instead of [Tier I]. That only happens under special circumstances, or when you have lived a "past life"



Chapter 3!

So you most have noticed a few changes. Well for one, the stats distribution was changed a bit.

I feel the new one is better; less stats means easier distribution. And they become more wholesome and have more subproperties. Besides, it allows the readers to better understand and removes the issue of trying to remember the difference between seemingly same stats.

I also removed most of the descriptions, but free not, for they will be explained dully along with the story.

In any case, the reason I explained them this early into the story before was for a friend.

Aggh, too much words.

Just vote, comment and share.

And also look forward to the bonus chapter this week(end)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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