Red Light Green Light

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One I entered the room, Noah closed the door. "So what exactly are we playing tonight?" I asked. "We're playing Red Light Green Light." Ethan said, pulling a traffic light out of a bag he was holding. "Oh I know how to play that game! Isn't that more fun with a group of people?" I asked. "Not the way we're going to play it." Noah smirked. "Of course." I said as I sat on the bed. "So how are we going to play it?" I asked as they joined me sitting on the bed. "You are going to lay down and we're going to trap and tickle you." Ethan explained and I blushed. "When the light is green, we are allowed to move and tickle you and keep you from escaping. But when the light is red, we can't move so you can try to escape." Noah said.  "If you escape our tickling during the red light, you win. If not, we'll just keep tickling you." Ethan said. "How do you guys even come up with this stuff?" I laughed. "Well, your giggles are very motivating." Noah said, doing spiders up my arm. I giggled and pushed his fingers away only for Ethan to start doing the same thing on my other arm. "Guys stop! The game hasn't even started!" I giggled, scooting away from them both. "Well are you ready?" Ethan asked. Do I have a choice? "I guess." I said, already giggling anxiously. "Okay I'm going to turn on the traffic light thing." Noah said, getting off the bed to do just that. When he did, the traffic light said "You have 10 seconds before I start the game." I laid down and then Ethan and Noah both crawled on top of me, laying down on either side of me. They both tangled up my legs in either one of their legs, wrapped their arms around my waist and hips, and they rested their faces in my neck. "This is going to be impossible." I mumbled. "As you wish." Noah said, making me frown with confusion. "What does that mean?" I asked. "The game has started. Green light." The traffic light said, interrupting my question. Immediately after, Noah moved his head down to my belly and blew a bunch of huge raspberries while Ethan stayed at my neck, nibbling and kissing the skin there. They both also dug their fingers into my waist and hips while also using their toes to tickle the bottom of my feet. "AH! GUYS STOP!" I giggled and squealed, feeling overwhelmed by all of the ticklish feelings. NO matter where I moved, everything tickled like crazy. Finally, the stupid traffic light said "Red light" and the boys froze in place. Still giggling, I tried to slide out from under both boys but their bodies are so heavy and their grip on me is strong so it was nearly impossible. "Guys loosen up your grip a little!" I giggled but they didn't say anything back. Then I heard the words I was dreading to hear. "Green light." They both went straight to tickling me like crazy. "This isn't fair!" I giggled. "And how is that?" Ethan asked. "You're both way stronger than me! How will I ever escape?!" I giggled, squealing as Noah found his way to my belly button and Ethan's fingers wiggled up to my armpits. "That sounds like a you problem to me." Ethan said just as the traffic light said "Red light." They both stopped in their tracks and I was of course still giggling because even though they weren't moving, their still digging into ticklish parts of my body. This time, I decided to sit up and try to stand. That way, all of their fingers would fall away from their body. But when I tried, I underestimated how strong their grip is. I was only able to sit up but barely before I felt their arms and legs pulling me down. "Come on! Let go!" I giggled, trying to push myself up but then of course, just as I felt like I might have a chance, the thing said "Green light." This time, Noah and Ethan wanted to make sure I wasn't going anywhere so they got on top of me, still tickling me like crazy, and then pulled the bed covers completely over us. "NO! That's cheating!" I giggled as they tickled me harder. "It's called using your environment." Ethan said. "Let's see you escape now princess." Noah said and I laid there, giggling and accepting my defeat in yet another game. "I'm going to get you guys back for this! I promise!" I giggled out, making them tickle me harder. "Red light." The traffic light said but this time, they didn't stop. They just kept digging into my stomach, hips, thighs, and neck. "AH! RED LIGHT! RED LIGHT" I screamed. "I thought you said you're going to get us back. Go ahead." Ethan teased. "NO I TAKE IT BACK!" I giggled and screamed. "Sure you do." Noah said as they both blew a bunch of raspberries into my neck back to back. "Why aren't you getting us back Lizzie? We're waiting." Ethan said as he blew another one. "Come on Elizabeth! What's taking you so long to get your revenge?" Noah added as he blew one as well. "HELP!" I screamed. "Awww poor little Elizabeth with no one to save her." Noah said. "I know what will make her feel better!" Ethan said, whispering something to Ethan. "Good idea!" Noah said as they both showered me with kisses. They did this all while they continued to tickle my stomach and hips! "Please! I'm going to pee!" I screamed and I giggled and tried to find any way to escape their tickles. When I said that, they blew one last raspberry in my stomach and finally stopped, laughing at me. "Look at how red her face is!" Ethan teased, making himself and Noah laugh even harder. "Shut up." I mumbled, making them laugh even harder. "Hey it's not our fault you're too cute." Noah said as they both lowered their heads down to mine. "No more kisses!" I giggled and they smirked before nuzzling their noses in my neck. "No! I said no more!" I giggled, trying to push them away but they wrapped their arms around me again. "You said no more kisses! Not no more nuzzles." Ethan said as they continued. "Your neck is so soft!" Noah said as he nuzzled some more. "Your noses are soft too! That's why it tickles so much!" I giggled. "Guys I'm seriously need to pee!" I giggled and finally they stopped. "Fine. Go pee cutie." Noah said and I stuck my tongue out at them before running off of the bed. They grabbed for me but missed and I giggled, sticking my tongue out again, before running into the restroom. Yet another playful ending to the evening.

I decided to take that opportunity to change into my pajamas. When I came back from the restroom, I saw that they had the same idea and changed into their pajamas. Then I joined them both on the bed. "I'm actually not tired." I told them as they snuggled into me. "Really? Even after the long day we all had?" Noah said and I nodded. "Well you have to get some sleep. We're traveling in the morning." Ethan said. "I'll try." I said. "I have an idea to help you sleep though." Noah said. "Really? What is it?" I asked. "We could sing a song for you. We actually have a few songs that makes us think of you." Noah said. "Oh yeah! Let's do that!" Ethan said, making me blush. "Okay sure let's try it." I said, trying not to seem flustered. "For it to actually make you sleep, you have to close your eyes." Noah said and I nodded before closing my eyes. I felt both of them kiss me on my forehead, which made me smile. "Remember, these songs remind us of you." Ethan said. "I see you riding around town with the girl I love and I'm like forget you-u-u!" Noah and Ethan belt out and my eyes shoot open and frown at them, causing them to laugh. "Stop it!" I giggled, making them both laugh harder. "Okay okay we'll be serious this time. Close your eyes." Noah said and I did. They compose themselves and I rolled my eyes from under my eyelids. Then I felt Noah's hands start rubbing my belly soothingly, which made me smile while Ethan's hands was were rubbing my head and face. Then they started. "I found a love." They harmonized and I immediately started blushing. There's no way their singing this song. "For me. Darling just dive right in and follow my lead." They continued and I blushed even more, fighting to keep my eyes closed and trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I knew if I opened my eyes, seeing them looking down on me would make the butterflies in my stomach even more intense. Also, their singing is amazing, or should I say perfect.

As they continued to sing the song and rub my belly/head, I actually did feel a sense of calmness come over me but also I've never felt so much love in my entire life. They're just too good to be true. "When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful we don't deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight." Those were the last words I heard them sing as I drifted into the most peaceful sleep I've ever had.

Too CuteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora