Ticklish Secrets

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"Okay guys. Today we've had a slight change of plans." Ryan said once we all arrived at Counselor and Me class. It's Wednesday morning and we've already gone to cheerleading practice and football practice. "So today we are having some visitors come to the school. It's actually Elizabeth's sister and her best friend." Ryan said. "Wait really?" I asked. I'm excited to see my sister but I'm a little worried Vivian will be upset with me. I've only been here for two full days and I've hardly gotten the chance to talk to her. "Yes. However, since Vivian and Rosie are not supposed to know about the school, we have to pretend like this is a normal school when they get here." Ryan said. "So all of you need to be very careful with everything you say and do." Ryan said. 

"Since we're having the visitors though, I figured we could make a game out of it." Ryan offered and I gulped. "The boys will be allowed to drop playful hints and tickle you whenever they want and you girls have to try to cover it up and act natural." Ryan said smirking and we all gasped. "No way!" I exclaimed making Noah and Ethan laugh. "Yes way. You're all supposed to meet them at the front and then have a pool social with Vivian and Rosie. So they'll have plenty of opportunities to secretly tickle you." "You have got to be kidding me!" I giggled nervously. "This is going to be so fun." Noah said, smirking at me and I shoved me playfully. "On the bright side, they are not staying for the whole day. So when they leave, you all can go to cuddle hour and then guess what?" Ryan asked and we all looked at him excited. "You get to do Catch Me If You Can at the trampoline park today!" Ryan said and all of us smile with excitement. "Alright. I'll see all of you later. Go change into your swimsuits and then wait for Vivian and Rosie to show up." Ryan said. 

After we changed into our swimsuits, we waited in the living room for Vivian and Rosie to arrive. I was half way on Noah's lap and halfway on Ethan's lap while we waited. "You two better go easy on me." I warned them. "I don't know about that." Ethan teased, squeezing my kneecap. "I wish we could do something to tease you boys for once." Riley said. "Maybe if we all stopped talking to them one day." Ava suggested and my eyes widened. That's actually a really REALLY good idea. "Do that and we'll tickle you nonstop for 24 hours. I promise." Noah teased while they both squeezed my sides. "Awww would me not talking to you make you sad?" I giggled, making them tickle me harder just as the doorbell rang. We all got up to answer the doorbell but I stayed back behind the boys and whispered to the girls "Oh we're definitely pulling that prank one day." All of them smiled and nodded as we high-fived each other, catching up to the boys. 

When we opened the door, Vivian and Rosie were both there in their swimsuit coverups and swimsuits. "Elizabeth!" They both said as I gave them both hugs. "It feels like it's been so long! Come in and meet my friends!" I told them, opening the door wider so they could enter our dorm. "Mom and dad wished they could come but they had work." Rosie said. "That's okay." I told her. When they came in, they looked confused probably by the amount of guys there were in comparison to the amount of girls. "Guys, this is Vivian and Rosie." I introduced. "Oh so you were the girl on the phone!" Ethan said with a smirk and I glared at him. 

This is going to be a long day!

"I knew I heard a guy on the phone!" Vivian exclaimed. "No he's just joking. I hadn't met him when we talked that day." I lied. "Well what's his name?" Vivian asked. "Oh well he's dumb and that one over there," I said, pointing to Noah, "Is dumber." I told her and they both smirked at me as Vivian and all the other girls laughed at my joke. I was laughing too but then the boys started walking towards me and I got nervous and stopped. "Um should we head outside to the pool?" I said, moving away from the boys. I could tell they were trying not to laugh. "Aren't you going to give us a tour of your rooms?" Vivian asked. "Plus, why are there so many boys here? Isn't this school for too cute girls?" Rosie asked. "Oh we aren't allowed to have visitors in our rooms." Ava said. "And these guys are just friends we invited to the pool social." Hannah added. "Exactly. So let's go outside to the pool!" I said, speed walking outside, still trying to avoid Noah and Ethan. 

This was my first time being in the backyard of our dorm. Our pool is actually beautiful! "Is there a reason why you were rushing to the pool?" Vivian asked from behind me. "Yeah. Is there Elizabeth?" Noah added as Ethan and Noah smirked at me. I could feel myself start to blush so I said, "So I can do this!" Before jumping into the pool. Thankfully, that effectively distracted Vivian from my weird behavior because she decided to jump in after me along with the other girls. "You guys have an amazing pool!" Rosie exclaimed. "Thanks." We all said. "So, what's this place like?" She asked and we all looked at each other, knowing we have to lie. A lot. Then at that very moment, I felt something grab my feet under the water. 

Well, not something. Someone. Two someones because now both of them each had a hold of each of my feet. They immediately started scribbling the bottom of my feet and I squealed before quickly covering my mouth. Vivian and Rosie looked at me confused while I looked at the other girls, pleading for help with my eyes. "Uh hey Hannah. Do you want to do an underwater breathing contest?" Ava asked. "Oh of course. First one back up loses." Hannah said, quickly catching on as they both went underwater to save my feet. "Elizabeth are you okay?" Rosie asked, swimming towards me. "Yes! I'm fine! Just stay there!" I squealed out, trying so hard to hold in my giggles. "Actually, I'll be right back." I said, before going underwater myself. When I did, I could see both Noah and Ethan tickling me merciless while Hannah and Ava were trying to get them to stop. So, I swam away to get them to stop. When I came back up in a different area of the pool, they popped back up behind me as well. "Guys, stop it! I can't hide it!" I whispered through my lingering giggles but they just smirked at me. "That's too bad cutie." Noah said. "What is going on?!" Rosie asked. "We just had an idea of a game we could play." Ethan said. "It's called Sharks." Ethan added. "NO!" Hannah, Ava, Emma, and Alison all exclaimed while all the boys started smirking. "What? Why no?" Rosie asked. "Um, I mean, we didn't say no. You heard us wrong." Hannah said, looking at me for help. "Yeah yeah they said 'oh' not no." I added, looking at Hannah like 'what the hell?'. When Vivian and Rosie looked away from them, Hannah mouthed "They're going to tickle all of us." 

Oh hell no. 

"Um can I talk to Hannah, Riley, Ava, Emma, and Alison in private please?" I said as we all got out of the water. "There's no getting out of this cutie." Ethan whispered as I passed. "We can't come?" Rosie asked. "Yeah why are you acting so weird?" Vivian asked. "I just remembered a project we have for class and I had an idea. We'll be right back." I lied as we all ran into the house and locked the door behind us. 

This is not going to end well is it? 

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