What Kind of Boarding School?

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"One of the main questions we get here from new students is why are you here? Why does it matter if you're too cute? What does that have to do with school?" He asked and I agree with his questions. "Well to start off, when a female is too cute, it means she is pure of heart. A few females every once in a while are born with the purest hearts ever. This institution is meant to give those females a life full of laughter and fun 24/7. These females also stop aging after they turn 20. This school allows them to do that without any outside judgement." The guy read. My heart is pure? What does that even mean? "Females who are too cute are also very likely to attract animals who want to hear their laughter. In this school, females are protected from any potentially dangerous situations with those animals but are still exposed to the animals in a safe manner." He says. What? "Now what is this school all about? Here is what no one knows. Every female in this school gets a pair of boys who are 1-2 years older than her that are in charge of making her laugh and making sure she has fun forever. They are referred to as counselors. Since females who are too cute are also notoriously ticklish, these counselors are trained specifically to tickle their female." He says. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Yep. That's exactly about when everyone else reacted." He said. "You'll be meeting your pair of boys after this meeting. They're so excited to meet you." He said and I frowned at him. "Mom?" I asked her. "You'll be fine. I promise." My mom said so I sighed and allowed him to continue reading. "This is also not a typical school in the sense that you don't have to go to classes like science and social studies. Instead, your daily activities will consist of getting to know your counselors and some unique fun activities we always have planned for our students. I would tell you some examples but we like to surprise our students a lot." he said. That part actually sounds surprisingly fun. "No social studies?" I asked with a smile and he laughed. "Exactly." He said, smiling back at me. Now that's what I like to hear. "One more thing is the uniform we have here." He said. "So that the counselors can tickle you to the fullest extent, you are not allowed to wear shoes unless given special permission by me, which wont happen unless we're leaving campus for a trip." he said as my eyes widened. Oh God. "There's more. You're also not allowed to wear any clothes that are not a sports bra or a crop top and shorts." He said. "So currently, you're out of dress code." He said and I gulped.

This is going to tickle so much.

"Alright. Any questions?" He asked. "So I can't wear a regular t-shirt?" I asked and he shook his head no. "Not even to bed?" I asked and he shook his head no again. "Can I wear socks?" I asked and he shook his head no again, now smirking at me. The thought of all of this was making me have butterflies in my stomach. "If you were wondering, yes it is going to tickle a lot all the time." He said and I blushed. "Any other questions?" He asked. I looked at my mom and she shook her head no. "Perfect." he said. "Let's get you settled with you counselors and into proper uniform." He said. "Mrs. Bailey, do you mind staying here while we do this part? We like to give the kids time to meet their counselors without parents around." He asked and my mom said sure. So I hugged my mom and followed Stanley back down the elevator and outside to walk to God knows where. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We're going to your dormitory." He said as we approached a building. Just as we did, I saw two girls run out of the dorm. Both of them looked my age. "Why the hell would you convince me to play a prank on them?" One of the girls exclaimed as they ran. "Oh come on! Admit that it was funny. Oh hi Stanley!" The other girl replied just as they ran right past us. Stanley waved before yelling "If they ask, I'm pointing them in your direction!" Then both girls stuck out their tongues at Stanley and started running faster, making me giggle."Those two girls are Riley and Hannah. Riley got here last week and she's 13. Hannah got here last year and she's 14. By the looks of it, their counselors are chasing them." He explained and I giggled again. 

We opened the doors of the dormitory and it was beautiful! It's basically a house. "Woah!" I exclaimed. "Woah indeed." He said. There's a full kitchen, a huge living room with a flat screen TV, a library, and more rooms I have yet to see. "Your room and counselors should be upstairs." Stanley said as I followed him up the stairs. When we got upstairs, there's a huge game room with a ping pong table, a pool table, a few gaming systems and another big TV, and a lot of comfortable and colorful seating. There was also a girl laying on the couch reading a book with her head in one guy's lap and her feet in another guy's lap. One of the guys started doing spiders on her feet and she giggled and glared at him, making him laugh. "Nickkkk! I just want to read without giggling every five seconds!" She giggled. "Yeah good luck with that." The Nick guy said, continuing to tickle her feet. "That's Emma and her counselors Nick and Harry." Stanley introduced, making all of them look at us. "Oh! You must be the new girl!" Emma said, putting down her book. Just as she did though, four guys burst out of a random room. "Where did they go?" They all asked and Emma shrugged nonchalantly and went back to her book. "I saw them running out of the dorm in the direction of the main office." Stanley snitched and the boys smirked before running down the stairs. "You're such a snitch Stanley." Emma teased making Stanley smirk. "Always." He said and Emma rolled her eyes. "Emma is 14 and got here last year also." He said. "Nice to meet you Emma." I said. Emma smiled and said "We should talk later. Your counselors are dying to meet you and I really want to try to get through one sentence of my book without giggling." She said and I smiled and nodded as she tried to go back to her book. "Let's go see your room." He said and I nodded again. At this point, I was nervous because I don't know these boys and I don't know how they're going to react to seeing me. So we walk down a hallway and pass yet another girl on the way to my room. "Hi Stanley. Are you Elizabeth? Your counselors are so excited to meet you!" She said. "This is Ava. She's 15." Stanley said. "Hi Ava!" I said and she smiled. "I can tell you're nervous but you'll be fine." She said before walking off. Finally, we make it to a door that has my name on it. "Elizabeth's Room," is written on the door in gold letters. "Go ahead and go inside and get to know your counselors a little bit. I'll wait out here." Stanley said and I gulped and nodded before slowly opening the door. 

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