This is going to tickle a lot

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Ethan and Noah then lead me to the closet, which looked like a sports bra, crop top, and shorts store because there were so many options. I also noticed that my suitcases were in the closet but they were already unpacked. I guess the boys unpacked them for me. "These are all of your clothes. Once you've changed, you give your non-dress code clothes to Stanley." Noah said. "Ok let me get this over with." I said, pushing them out of the closet as they chuckled at me.

I decided to pick a pink sports bra with some denim shorts. When I looked in the mirror after changing, I realized how exposed my stomach, thighs, feet, and underarms were and got butterflies. "This is going to tickle a lot." I whispered.

I walked out and the boys eyes grew super wide when they saw me, which made me blush of course. They immediately started walking towards me. "No no no no! Not now!" I giggled but they just smirked and kept coming towards me so I quickly ran out of the room to meet Stanley in the hallway. "Stanley! You have to save me!" I squealed as I ran to hide behind him just as Ethan and Noah followed me out of the room and smirked at me as I hid behind Stanley."I see that you've hit it off with your counselors then?" Stanley said. "Counselors? More like tickle monsters." I said, only making the boys start wiggling their fingers at me, making me squeal and giggle even more. They both laughed at me but kept doing it. "I would normally move out of the way and let you boys tickle the living daylight out of her..." Stanley started. "You would what now?" I asked and they all laughed at me. "But we have to all go see the mom off." Stanley said and I stuck my tongue out at them. "You do realize we're going to get you eventually." Ethan said and I smirked. "Are you though?" I asked and they both smirked a lot more than usual. "Is that a challenge?" Noah asked. "Woah woah woah woah woah!" I heard someone exclaim from behind me. I turn around and see another girl, one I haven't met yet, being accompanied by two guys. "Hi Allison, Jaden, and Chase." Everyone said. "Yeah, hi, whatever. Are you Elizabeth? It's your first day isn't it?" Allison asked. "Yeah it is." I said, my blushing finally calming down now that I'm not looking at Ethan or Noah. "And you're challenging those two?" Allison asked and I blushed and nodded. "You definitely have some balls if you're doing that." She said, giving me a high five before walking past me. "Allison is 15 by the way. But let's go." Stanley said turning around to walk in front of me. Noah and Ethan realized I didn't have my human shield anymore and started advancing towards me with smirks and I literally ran away. "I'll meet you guys there." I said, speed walking the entire way there, but still following Stanley.

"Hi mom!" I said, quickly hiding behind her as soon as Stanley and I got into the director's office. "Hi sweetie. What are you doing?" She said just as Noah and Ethan walk in. Their smirks were all of a sudden gone. "Hi Mrs. Bailey. My name is Noah and this is Ethan. We're Elizabeth's counselors." Noah said, shaking my mom's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bailey." Ethan said, also shaking my mom's hand and my jaw dropped. Why are they acting so formal?"It's a pleasure to meet you boys too! Elizabeth, sit by your counselors." My mom scolded. "Mom, you don't understand..." I whispered. "Go sit by the nice boys and stop hiding please." My mom said and I sighed. I should have never challenged these boys. They're good! I slowly walk over to the boys and they both leave a space open for me to sit in between them on the bench they're sitting at. I sat in between them and as soon as my mom looked away, they both whispered into my neck "Challenge accepted."

Oh dear.

"Mrs. Bailey, there's some paper work you need to sign to make this official." Stanley told my mom. As my mom started signing the paper work, Ethan placed his hand on my thigh and I stiffened. "Is there a problem Elizabeth?" Ethan asked in a teasing manner. "Would you like to forfeit from the challenge?" Noah asked, also placing his hand on my thigh. "Never." I smirked, trying to ignore them. "Oh really?" Ethan asked as they both squeezed my thighs, digging their fingers in between my legs super deep. I squealed and my mom quickly turned around but they quickly withdrew their hands and pretended to be as confused as my mom. My mom frowned but went back to the paper work. "Don't do that!" I giggled at them. "We'll stop if you forfeit." Ethan said and I shook my head no. I don't ever forfeit. "Your choice." Ethan said just before they both brought their heads down to my belly and nibbled on it, making me giggle A LOT before quickly pretending like they werent doing anything when my mom turned around. "Mom, they're tickling me I swear!" I giggled. My mom frowned at me and I tried to get up to explain to her only for both boys to start blowing raspberries in my belly and tickling my thighs with their hands at the same time. "AHHH! ETHAN! NOAH!!" I squealed and giggled, trying to push them away but they just chuckled and held onto my tighter. Eventually they stopped and I quickly got up and stepped away from them, only for them to stand up and walk towards me. "Boys... please!" I giggled. "Do you forfeit?" They both asked. "Um..." I contemplated as they continued to close in on me. "" Ethan asked as they started poking my sides. "AH! Ok ok! I forfeit! You win!" I giggled and they finally stopped but still closed in on me. "What are you doing?" I asked as they backed me up into a corner. "You do know why we do this to you right?" Noah asked and I shook my head no. Then, they both wrapped their arms around my waist and started kissing my neck like crazy! "AH!" I giggled from the ticklish feeling but also blushed from the intimacy I felt from both of them. "Because we care about you, you idiot." Ethan whispered/teased as they kept kissing me. "Ok boys! Leave her be so she can say bye to her mom." Stanley announced and the boys finally stopped. "Mom it tickles so much!" I giggled even though they stopped tickling me. They both just smirked at me and I covered my face to avoid looking at their smirks. "Stop smirking!" I giggled and they both laughed at me. "Oh come on Stanley. Look at beautiful she is! How can we not tease and tickle her?" Noah said, only making me blush some more. "Stop!" I squealed and they both laughed again. They finally unwrapped their arms from around my waist and I uncovered my face to see them walking away so that I could talk to my mom who was walking towards me. "Wow you're as red as a tomato sweetie." My mom teased and I glared at her, making her laugh. "You try getting tickled, teased, and complimented by two cute boys and see how red your face gets." I whispered and my mom laughed. "You're going to have a lot of fun here. I can tell those boys care about you a lot." My mom said as we both looked over at them only for them to smirk back at me. "Yeah I can tell they love smirking." I giggled before looking away and back at my mom. My mom smiled at me before saying "I'm going to leave today so I can get back to your sister and your dad." My mom said and I got sad all over again. "I'm going to miss you so much Lizzie." My mom said, giving me a huge hug. I hugged her back and squeezed her tightly, not ever wanting to let go. "We'll come over to visit you all the time. Me, your dad, Rosie, and Vivian. I promise." My mom said and I nodded as tears started pooling in my eyes. She's really leaving me here. "I love you mommy." I whispered and she said it back. Eventually she let go but I clung onto her. "It's okay Lizzie." My mom said, rubbing my back in a comforting manner and I finally let go. I wiped my tears and my mom gathered her things. "I'll be visiting before you know it. And make sure you call me everyday." My mom said and I nodded. "Bye Elizabeth." She said before leaving the office as the front desk guy escorted her to the van. 

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