What Will We See At The Zoo?

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A/N - Lol you're a real one if you know where the title of this chapter came from. ;-)

We parked in the huge parking lot and the very first thing I noticed is there was barely anyone there. The parking lot was pretty much empty except for two other cars and this is a public zoo so the parking lot is HUGE. "Why is no one else here?" I asked. "Yet another thing you're going to have to wait and find out." Stanley said. We all walked into the entrance and there was someone waiting for us at the door. It was a guy who looked kind of like Stanley. "Hey Landon!" Stanley said as they did a bro hug. "Whats up?" He said before directing his attention to us. "I'm glad you guys are here." He said. "I know the older girls know this already but this is Landon, my younger brother." Stanley said. Oh! Well that explains the resemblance. "I used to work at Too Cute and after seeing the girls at the zoo at the last girls day out I was apart of, I got inspired to create a zoo tailored to you girls so you can visit the animals all the time. It's still a public zoo but it can turn into your own personal playground whenever you want." He explained.

I am so confused.

"One thing I will say is do not come to the zoo while it is open to the public. If you want to come, let me or Stanley know and we can schedule a time for you guys to come over." Landon explained.

Still confused.

"Why can't we come when the public is here?" Ava asked the question most of us are wandering. "Oh right! Some of you girls don't know what happens yet." He said. "Let's just say the animals really love you guys." Stanley said with a smirk. "Yes, and we can't have them showing their affection in front of the public or it could expose our secret school and what it's really about." Landon said and we all nodded. "Okay so let me explain how this zoo operates." he started as he lead us to these huge double doors behind him. There are two other possible ways you can walk also that don't lead to these doors. "Those two paths are the paths the public will take to see the animals like a normal zoo." He explained. "This door will always say 'For Employees Only.' This is the door you girls will use." He said. "Listen very closely to this rule because it's very important. Only you girls can go through this door. You can not bring anyone that is not too cute through this door and you can not bring animals out from this door. I can't even go inside unless the animals are not in there." He explained. "These animals are still wild animals and while you girls have the ability to get them to listen to you, you don't know how to yet. So, it could be dangerous if anyone other than yourselves interact with them." He explained. "What kind of animals are in there?" I asked. "When you get inside, you'll be lead down a glass hallway where you can see all of the animals. The animals are separated to avoid conflict but they are separated into huge landscapes that are made just like their original habitats. These landscapes are really really big but there are multiple doors you can use to exit." He explained. "Okay are you guys ready to meet the animals?' Landon asked. "Um..." Emma said. "There's no reason to be afraid guys. I promise." Jasmine said. "The animals really do care about us. You'll see." Olivia added. "Okay let's do it.' Emma said and we all hesitantly nodded in agreement. Stanley and Landon stepped back and allowed us to open the door. "We'll be watching you guys from the operators room. Have fun!" Stanley said just as we closed the door. Landon was right. We're now in a long hallway with glass for walls so we can see each habitat room. The habitats are so big we can't even see the end of them from where we are. The first animal I see that completely shocks me is a Lion. "What the heck? Is that Simba's family?" I exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "So what we did the last time we came to the zoo is each of us went into a different animal room so we could bond personally with that animal. Then we switched and so on." Olivia said. "I think that's what we should do right now." She added and all of us nodded in agreement. "Okay pick your animals." She said. I started going through the hallway and see all of the options, which there was a lot, and one specifically caught my eye. "I'll take the leopards!" I said as I watch a baby leopard play with a little flower. Once everyone had chosen their animal, we all wished each other good luck and then, at the same time, open the door to our animal. 

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