Scavenger Hunt Part 2

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"Oh gosh." I mumbled as all of them turned away from the marshmallows which I'm assuming they were about to take a picture of, and smirked at us. "Um we could finish at a different store guys." I offered. "Great idea. Run!" Olivia yelled as we all turned around and ran out of the store with the boys hot on our trail. Nicole was the first one to get to the van. "Open the door!" Nicole yelled at the driver. The startled driver thankfully quickly opened the door for her and she held the door open as all of us ran inside. "Come on! Pick up your feet let's go!" She yelled which made me laugh a little. She sounds like a PE coach. Thankfully we all made it into the van before any of them could catch us. "Drive!" All of us yelled at the driver. He laughed but still backed out of the parking spot to leave. "We're going to lose aren't we?" Riley said and everyone nodded as we watched the boys get into their van and FOLLOW US!

"So where exactly am I going?" The van driver asked as we all watched the boys van behind us. "We have absolutely no idea." Emma admitted. Then I got a call from Noah. "Noah is calling me. I'm assuming so he can tease us." I said, showing the girls my phone. "Don't pick up. They'll just make you flustered." Jasmine said and I nodded, ignoring the call. Then I turned around and stuck my tongue out at the boys, hoping they can see me. "So what's the plan?" Allison asked. "We're going to have to face them guys." Olivia said and we all looked at her in shock. "What do you mean?" Rachel asked. "They're not going to stop following us and we still have photos to get so we're going to have to face them." Olivia said. "Okay maybe we should split up." Jasmine said. "Fine a store that has almost everything else we need and then we can break out into groups to get those things." She said. "Let's just go to Hobby Lobby. Most of these things have to do with color and that place is very colorful." Emma suggested. "Okay Hobby Lobby it is." Olivia said.

We all were assigned a partner and an item to get a picture of. Riley and I were assigned to look for something blue. Easy enough. We pulled up to the entrance of Hobby Lobby and quickly all of us ran into the store. The boys pulled up behind us and ran after us of course. Riley and I held hands and started running towards the fabric section.

Do you guys really think we made it?

"Gotcha." I heard Noah say as he and Ethan pulled me away from Riley and picked me up by my hips, squeezing them with all of their fingers. "You're a cheater!" I squealed out as they dug in harder. "And you get to watch as Noah and I help the boys bet your team." Ethan said as they walked towards the fabric section. I tried my best to pry their fingers off of my hips but they wouldn't stop digging deeper and deeper. "AH! Guys stop!!" I giggled and they just laughed at me as they made it to the blue fabrics. "Thank you guys so much for bringing us here. It has the last picture we needed." Noah said as he took a picture of a blue fabric and sent it in. "No..." I mumbled. "Yep. We won! And it's all thanks to you!" Ethan said as they both started showering me with kisses. "Cheaters!" I giggled out. "I think you're saying winners wrong." Noah teased in between kisses.

After our defeat, we all went back to Too Cute to find out what would happen next. "Congratulations to the boys for winning the scavenger hunt!" Stanley announced and all the boys cheered while we booed. "So the next thing is the boys get to go plan and set up Ultimate since they are the game masters. The girls on the other hand can go have free time in the dorms. We'll let you know when we're ready for you." Stanley said and we all nodded before heading back to the dorms.

"I wonder what they're planning." Allison said. "Whatever it is, it's going to tickle a lot." Hannah said. "Okay enough talk about that. I want to know something from Riley and Elizabeth." Ava said. "Yeah what's up?" I asked. "What has been your favorite part of Too Cute so far?" She asked. "Oooh good question!" Hannah said. "Well," Riley said, smiling to herself. "The first day of counselor and me class what definitely my favorite. The pie game made me blush more than ever!" Riley said, blushing at the memory. "Awwww!!" All of us said. "They're actually really adorable when they want to be." Hannah said. "What about you Elizabeth?" Ava asked. I thought for a minute but then I knew exactly what I was going to say. "Definitely cuddle hour. Yesterday's was hilarious! I had already made them upset before we went into cuddle hour so they were trying to get revenge. It was really playful and funny. I even tripped them both and the faces they made as they fell were hilarious!" I giggled, making all the other girls laugh with me. "I'm so glad you guys are here. This is going to be a fun year." Allison said and I nodded in agreement. "It's already been a fun year." Hannah said. "We're back!" We heard the boys say from downstairs. "We're up here cheaters!" I yelled back, making the girls laugh. The boys all ran upstairs. "So we're doing Ultimate a little differently today. Everyone will be playing in their rooms." Brandon, one of Ava's counselors, said. "So we're solo on this one?" Ava asked and all of the boys nodded with smirks. "What does that mean?" Riley asked. "I think it means we can't help each other." I told her. "So everyone to their rooms so the game can begin!" Ethan said, smirking at me. "Bye!" I said to the girls and they all waved goodbye to me.

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