Pleasant Thoughts of Recent

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'My is my mate, handsome and a gentleman. I can't believe I've finally found him and judging by his expression he too is pleased with finding me. I was starting to doubt if my mate was alive, I was getting so lonely. Everything will be so much better now, I just know it. I was right, Rosalie freaked out but both she and Carlisle support me as well as their mates, I was so scared of losing them, the only one who hates my mate and our coven is Edward. I don't know why he hates the Volturi but oh well. I never thought of permanently living in Volterra, but I am willing to if I get to be with Demetri. I originally thought the Volturi were always mean, but I was proven wrong when I met them all. Carlisle and Rosalie plus their mates are family and now so are the Volturi. I know Caius won't be good for my temper but we're working it out and getting better each day. I love living with my mate and new family. Especially my soul children, Jane and Alec. Even if I can't have children of my own they are perfect no matter what. So many foods and they're all delicious. I knew we could have food if blood is infused but not this much food. I love Demetri for having a steak dinner for just the two of us. I love it here, no matter how many times I say or think it, I love living here with Demetri, my children and family. I do wish for Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Rosalie to come and visit though, maybe someday soon.'

Demetri Volturi & Dahlia Petrova Where stories live. Discover now