Family Happenings and A Human Bloodbags

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Dahlia's Outfit Below (Ignore the Leather Jacket)

As I'm leaving my room I adjust my dark violet loose silk tank top and slim black jeans

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As I'm leaving my room I adjust my dark violet loose silk tank top and slim black jeans. My feet are covered with a pair of black ankle boot heels, and my eyeshadow is in shades of purple, making my red eyes pop and giving me a dramatic but fierce look. As I'm nearing the throne room to meet Demetri and Felix, I smell the disgusting cologne of Edward. I'm shocked that he's here.

I nod to the lower guards at the door but before they open the door, Edward comes storming out.
He pauses in his steps briefly, before continuing on whilst glaring at me. I enter the room and ask, "can someone tell me what Edweirdo Cullen is doing here and why he seems in a sour mood?"

I see Aro and Caius jump a bit, surprised I'm here. I move over to Jane and Alec kissing their temple and giving them a warm smile, "hello my childern."

"Hello mother," they greet me at the same time. I feel Demetri place his arms around my waist so I turn and give him a long kiss.

When we break apart I look pointedly at the masters, until Caius speaks, "please don't give us that look, Dahlia, this doesn't concern you."

"Doesn't concern me? It does concern me because Edward is Carlisle's son and since Carlisle is my soul brother that means I am his aunt, in some way." I pause as I see him flinch slightly and that both Marcus and Aro have wide eyes. I glance up and see a thunder cloud, so I take a deep breath stopping the thunder leaving the cloud as I continue, "I am sorry for seeming rude, but can someone please tell me why Edward is here in Volterra, Italy?"

"You're right, Dahlia, it does in a way, no matter how small or big, concern you," Caius begins saying, nodding his head in acceptance at my argument.

"Edward came here asking for us to kill him because he lost his blood-singer who claims is his mate. We refused to do so and said he'll be back shortly," Aro explains and flinches when a harsh crack of thunder is heard both inside and outside, scaring a few of the younger vampires. Ever since I've joined the Volturi, I have become one the top vampires to be scared of when angry, the other main vampires being Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri and Caius. "after looking through his thoughts, he had the back up plan of revealing himself which would force us to kill him."

"He asked to die because of his BLOOD-SINGER!? Does Carlisle know of this?" I ask, a surprisingly deadly calm. There is multiple clashes of distant sounds of thunder is heard but none from the thunder cloud above my head. I assume that lightening flashes in the cloud above me, which causes all the other vampires in the room to step even further away from me.

"Sadly yes he did and I am unsure if Carlisle knows. Now could you, Demetri, and Felix go get him and bring back please." Aro asks, trying not to show fear at my thunder cloud. "We were about to discuss Edward's plan before you came in. But with how much time that has passed, I believe he has had enough time to attempt completing his plan."

"Of course masters," Felix says, while I walk out with Demetri, our hands interlocked together making my thunder cloud disappear completely. Entering the lobby entrance, I see Edward and a human girl with the worst scent I've ever smelled. Our footsteps echo through the hall catching their attention.

"Gentlemen, Dahlia, it appears I won't be needing your services afterall," Edward says, moving the girl behind him.

"No, the masters would like to see you," Felix says, pointing to where we came from "Aro knew of your plan but we were delayed with stopping you. The masters want to speak with you."

As Edward says something to the girl I just glare at her. She says she is Edward's mate but yet she doesn't fully act like a true mate would even for a human. I snap my gaze to the doors as a woman with pixie hair, Alice, enters, "now, boys no need to ruin a beautiful day. It is a celebration after all."

No one speaks for a moment, as a tense silence overcomes the castles entrance, when we all hear footsteps approaching from the hall and Jane appears. "Caius is wondering if mother has killed Edward yet, and Aro is wondering what is taking so long."

"I haven't killed him yet, my dear. I've been busy glaring at his supposed mate," I seethe out.

"She can't kill Edward, she isn't strong enough. And plus this has nothing to do with her, Edward, make her leave," the human states boldly, looking back at Edward who shakes his head at her.

Everyone but her steps back, and she snaps her gaze back to me as I speak with the deadly calm voice I did back in the throne room. My thunder cloud appears again as the weather outside grows cloudy as I speak, "watch your mouth blood-singer. It is little Edward who isn't strong enough to kill me since I'm older, meaning that I am stronger than him. And this does involve me; since Edward was changed by Carlisle, my soul brother, that makes him my nephew in a way. Next time think before you speak, because I myself may not be so kind and I can't say the same for my mate or children. Now come along we can't keep the masters waiting."

Once I finish speaking, the human has an expression of fear, as she meekly nods her head. I walk away with Jane beside me as the three visitors follow behind and Demetri and Felix take up the end. The weather outside is now a thundering rainstorm but halfway there, I feel Jane slip her hand into mine calming me down enough to where it is just cloudy outside and I smile down at her. I also hear the human, who is now Bella, complaining to Edward that he didn't protect her against me and him replying that his efforts would have been pointless, and I smile at the truth he just spoke.

Upon entering the throne room, I become even more calmed when I am near both Jane and Alec causing the weather to be sunny outside once more. Demetri and Felix move to guard the masters leaving the three visitors in the middle of the room.

"They send you for one but you bring back two and a half, how clever of you sister. Are you alright mother, we saw the weather change?" Alec says/asks as Jane and I move next to him.

"I am fine now, my son. A little human angered me but I calm now with you two by my side, my babies," I reply to Alec. I turn to face the two Cullens and Bella, and see the shocked gaze of Alice and Edward with how I act towards the twins, whilst the Volturi members all have looks of happiness with my relationship with the twins.

As Aro speaks with Edward and Bella, I just keep thinking of how much of a brat she is. It isn't until Aro asks Jane to try inflicting pain to Bella, do I pay attention. When she is unsuccessful she begins to hurt Edward for a while until I speak, "Jane dear," I grab her focus.

"Yes mother," she replies. I nod for her to stop and she does. Once she stops Aro looks surprised but disappointed quickly after.

"It is a shame you don't plan on giving her immortality," Aro begins and looks over to Felix, "Felix kill her please."

"Wait, she will be one of us, I've seen it," Alice speaks up at the last moment. Aro walks up to Alice, watching the future she has seen for Isabella. After a short discussion that I don't care for the two Cullens and Bella began to leave.

"Edward, please tell Carlisle about all of this and why you were here. And tell him along with Rosalie that their sister would like to catch up some time," their eyes widen at my words. Edward and Alice nod whilst Bella looks scared. "Now go before our lunch arrives please." I ask and they do. Even with them leaving I know that Bella will cause nothing but problems.
But as I feast on my lunch with my mate, any thoughts that would create a thunder cloud above my head disappears and I forget about her for now.

Demetri Volturi & Dahlia Petrova Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu