HTSCF CH 057 The Two Perverts's Awakening

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His peaceful days seemed to be on the verge of ending already? And so quickly!

The next day Jun gave Aurelius and Raven each a bracelet made of his hair and fastened them on their left arms. On his left arm, he wore the two bracelets they gave him the day before.

"Now to the marriage chamber!" Aurelius plucked Jun off the floor into his arms and ran to his bedroom to toss him on the bed, Raven a step behind them.

His back against the wall, Jun wrapped himself with the blanket. "Now just wait a minute—"

"I won't wait." Aurelius pounced on Jun and burrowed inside the blanket. He held the young man in his arms and let out a deep breath of satisfaction. This was exactly where Jun was meant to be—in his arms, always. His happiness was short-lived as the next moment, Raven joined them on the bed and held onto Jun tightly from the other side. This familiar feeling—was this what Jun meant when he mentioned a previous life?

Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully they just wanted to sleep together and snuggle, for now. Including the time spent in the training room, he hadn't been with them for nearly nine years. Every time, it was awkward to regress mentally and physically into a virgin again. But after a short moment, Jun settled down and softened into their embrace.

"May I kiss you?" Raven, who was facing Jun, asked.


Being blind, he was constantly in a state of darkness. Though he could "see" using his magic, it was always outlines on top of a black surface. What this entailed was that his other senses had become more keen, such as his sense of hearing and touch. The heat of Raven's lips on Jun touched the very core of his soul and he shuddered a little. When he did, he felt something hard press against his backside.


Aurelius veered him around and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Their kisses had been chaste yet his soul was blissfully scorched. Despite both men's discomfort, they didn't force anything else on Jun and he slept very well that night. In the morning he woke up to "see" both men awake with their gazes fixed on him. Jun accurately shoved their too close faces away.

"Wife, good morning." Came Raven's muffled voice.

"What wife? I'm a man."

"I know you are, but you are still my wife."

"Then are you my wife?" Jun retorted.

"No, I'm your husband. Call me husband." Sometimes, Raven was awfully wordy and persistent. Usually, it was nothing good.

"No way." Still shy and embarrassed, Jun shoved Raven's face further away but let go when he felt something wet on his palm. "Ew, that's gross—"

His words were interrupted by a pair of lips and invading tongue in his mouth. Jun felt his tongue being licked, sucked, and even aggressively bit on. The kiss was fierce and overwhelming, leaving him breathless, and he wasn't even allowed more than a second of a break before another set of lips took over. It was Aurelius, who had remained strangely quiet the entire time. After having his lips and mouth thoroughly ravished by the two men, Jun was finally allowed to leave and get started on breakfast.

"Wait, wife, I'll help you with breakfast."

Goosebumps ran down his spine and Jun couldn't stop himself from saying: "Just call me 'babe' like you always do."

"Is that what I called you in the last life?" Raven asked with a searching and thoughtful expression. Then, more solemnly, he answered his own question. "Yes. That's right, you are my babe."

Once he washed up in the bathroom, Jun headed downstairs to start on breakfast. Meanwhile, Raven drew some water from their well. While Jun was frying some eggs a heavy body leaned on him and a pair of firm arms wrapped themselves around his waist.

"Baby," Aurelius said.





Ophelia exited her room to watch this scene and made a mock disgusted face. "Ew, Teacher, you've got a big leech attached to you."

Jun slapped his thigh and burst out laughing. What an accurate description. Feigning hurt, Aurelius pouted and whined. "Baby~ your apprentice is bullying me."

"You do realize that Teacher can't see your face, right?"

Raven came and patted Ophelia on the head. "Good girl."

Jun "saw" this and couldn't help but think: Like father, like daughter? Was it possible?

After breakfast, they departed for the trade market, which was located near Illia's docks, to take a look around. Jun still wanted to see if he'd be able to acquire some tea leaves. Lo and behold, he found the tea leaves he had been looking for. Guess the world wasn't trying hard enough to make him suffer if he could still find—

Oops, best not to jinx himself again. With his most beloved tea leaves in possession, Jun was no longer interested in anything else, so they went to the city market to purchase some meats, fruits, vegetables, and dry goods for their storage room. Back home, Jun brewed the tea and made some milk tea. Sugar was expensive but worth it. Besides, money could be made.

Jun poured the tea into a wooden mug filled with magically formed ice. Ophelia had a taste and loved it, and so did Raven. Like father, like daughter. Aurelius also took a sip from Jun's cup and made a face. This terrifying sweetness tasted awfully familiar. While laughing, Jun passed him a hot cup of black coffee and he was gratified. Now, this was a real drink.

"Thanks, baby, you're the best!" Aurelius said with an adoring look.

Another three months passed in relative peace. Because there was still space on their land for a garden, Jun began to grow a few vegetables and spices. Whenever they needed food ingredients or lacked some necessities there was the convenience of the city market. Jun didn't even have to work since the riches that had been handed over to him were sufficient to last a whole lifetime in this world.

Maybe he should have tried being a Sword; it was so profitable. But he didn't want to have to explain how a blind person such as him took down some Dark Flames every time he went to collect his earnings. That sounded too much of a pain so he stopped considering it.

Jun preferred simplicity in life. If he wasn't doing light "farm work," he was cooking with Raven's help or teaching Ophelia magic. There was so much free time he started to feel like a lazy bum again, and he couldn't even read for fun because he was blind.

|Next time you upgrade System, I hope it comes with a digital library.|

|I do have a digital library, Host...|

|Oh~! Let me read?|

|Can't. They are all worlds, so...|


Jun returned to being bored, simply lying on the hammock Aurelius made for him. He could hear the two men training Ophelia in physical combat, including swordplay, similar to that time in the beast world when he also had a daughter.

Jun sighed. So nice and peaceful...

A/N: Psst... NSFW in the next chapter 😆

Also, sorry for the slight delay my lovely readers! But at least I managed to release on schedule... Phew. I've been reading Mecha Slave Contract (translated by Exiled Rebels Scanlations), which is just a little over 300 chapters, and uh... Still working on it. I recommend it... The plot is very good! Some people might say MC too much of a doormat but I don't think so... He just trying to survive and live as much of a simple life as he can. They also say ML is abusive butttttt I would disagree... Anyway, give it a try. They really do love each other!

I also recently finished Paper Lover (translated by Dummy Novels). If you've got a thing for gong/seme protagonist and fluff, fluff, fluff, then go read it too! It's also a shorter read than Mecha Slave Contract...

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