Don't be a Pacifist! (Part 13)

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                         You were trying to figure out what to do, but you were petrified. Freddy was trying to fight back, but Vanny had the upper hand. Gregory:"Y/N! What are we gonna do?!" Y/N:"I don't know! You say you're the dang genius!! How bout you figure it out!" you said to him in an annoyed whisper. You could see Freddy was struggling, and Vanny had already scratched Freddy's metal head with her sharp, silver knife. You were sweating, holding back tears, swallowing your saliva to prevent tearing up. You heard a voice in the back of your head repeating "Go help him, don't be a coward, go help him, don't be a coward!" over and over again. You knew what the voice was telling you to do, but you didn't want to, you felt Vanny would kill you if you did it The voice in your head was screaming " It's your fault if she disassembles him! Your fault, your fault, YOUR FAULT!!" You knew what you had to do.

                       Y/N:"Come on Gregory!-" You grabbed him by his wrist and you went to the Daycare employee's desk. You quickly opened a drawer and took out a little bat, decorated with a bunch of drawings you and Sun made. Gregory:"What the hell, why would an employee have a bat?" Y/N:"No, it's mine, me and Sunrise decorated this little bat before the Daycare opened like a month ago. An employee came before we thought they would so I quickly just hid it in this little secret cOmPaRtMeNt. Bla Bla Bla." Gregory:"Why were the two of you decorating a bat.." Y/N:"... Come on we need to help Freddy!" Gregory:"Wait you didn't-" You interrupted him by grabbing his arm running out of the Daycare, surprising Vanny and Freddy. 

                      You were filled to the brink with fear, running towards Vanny and Freddy with a bat in your hand, starting to tear. You knew how much Freddy meant to Gregory, and you would have so much guilt within your heart if something happened to him. It would be all..your...fault. You raced towards Vanny and pushed her off of Freddy with tears going down your face, fear overflowing your mind. Freddy instantly went to Gregory to make sure he was not injured. Vanny was on the floor, panting, you could hear the fear in her breath as you held the bat up ready to strike. She held her arm out seemingly trying to block the bat from hitting her face.

                       "You have the chance! Take off her mask!" you thought to yourself. You could hear Vanny whisper something in a shaky voice. Vanny:"Please...d-don't hurt me.." You froze, the tone in her voice made you sympathetic. Two voices in the back of your head were arguing, one was screaming "Bloody hell, just finish her off!" while the other one was yelling,"No, no! Show sympathy you became a pacifist! Remember? After the...incident." You couldn't see her eyes, but you were sure there were tears of fear in them. You thought to yourself, "B-but, she's a villain... right? Maybe it wasn't her...? Maybe..." Your thoughts were interfered with the voice of your friend, Gregory. Gregory:"Come on Y/N! Finish her off!!" He said it with such enthusiasm, like he believed in you. You then heard Vanny say once again, "Please..." Her tone made you feel.. a strange feeling. Like a stab in the heart, but with one single word. You finally set down the special, decorated bat trying to be a pacifist, but it was a major mistake. Vanny quickly got up, grabbed the bat, and hit you to knock you out. It felt as hard as a rock against your sore head. You fell flat to the ground. You witnessed Vanny going towards Freddy and Gregory, seemingly going to injure them.

                The last thing you felt before passing out was something, or...someone picking you up gently, with their cold hands...

*.The Mysteries Of The PizzaPlex.* Sunrise/Moondrop x (Non-binary) readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ