Welcome Back To The Daycare. (Part 12)

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                                 (Cringe Warning: There is mild cringe in this, in the 3rd Paragraph bE wEaRy)

                                  As you and Gregory hid in Freddy's room, you could hear loud thuds and what seemed to be someone running, it was most likely her. You were too paranoid to look out the large window to see what was going on out there. You were still pretty shaken up about what had just happened, you were petrified what she would do to you and Gregory if she finds the two of you. Just then you heard a "Beeep", it was Freddy. Freddy:"Charging Cycle complete. New message from Vannessa:"Keep on the lookout for two kids one's a boy and the other one- I don't know, they both are pretty short, if you find them bring them to me IMMEDIATELY." Just then Freddy noticed the two of you, Freddy:"Gregory, Y/N! Are you okay?! You both look injured." Gregory had gotten a scrape on his knee when running from Vanny. Gregory:"Yeah we're fine, but we need somewhere else to hide! Sooner or later, Vanny will find us, we shouldn't stay in one place too long!" Freddy:"Vanny..." Freddy said in a tone that you found sounded like fear and slightly mixed in with anger.

                                Freddy:"I know where you two can hide that most likely will be safe, I will meet you on the other side. Do you see that vent up there? I will lift you up to the vent and once you exit the vent, go to the Daycare, hide there and I will contact you two on your Fazwatches when I arrive." And with the Freddy gave you a Fazwatch, and explained to you how it works. Y/N:"So, I just need to press this button and it will give you my location?" Freddy:"Correct. Now, let's get you two up to that vent." Freddy then continued to lift you up to the vent and then Gregory. Freddy:"Be safe, I will meet you two at the daycare." 

                                As the two of you were crawling through the vent Gregory felt kinda awkward,  he was right behind you, and by that your butt was in front of him. Gregory was looking away at the vent walls, trying not to look at you, being a true gentleman. Gregory:"Damn, this is a really small vent, is it just me or is it kinda hot in here?" Y/N:"Just you, it's a vent there's ventilation." Gregory:"Y-yeah, maybe it's j-just cause I'm worried about Vanny." Gregory was stumbling over his words and you found it amusing. You were oblivious that your butt was basically in his face.

                                Finally, the two of you exited the congested vent, and carefully checked your surroundings, making sure no-one was there. Once the coast was clear the two of you quickly and quietly walked to the daycare center. As the two of you were half-way to the daycare, Gregory remembered to ask you a certain question. Gregory:"Uh- hey Y/N, I've been wanting to ask you a question-" Y/N:"Sure, what's up?" Gregory:"I was wondering, how do you know Sunrise and Moondrop so well. I mean- Moondrop acts like a total Technoblade at an orphanage with other people, but with you he acts like a grandmother when they hear you didn't eat." Y/N:"Well, it's a really long story, I'll tell you when we get to the Daycare." Gregory:"Oh, okay then."

                            As you and Gregory approached the Daycare, still being aware of your surroundings, the two of you slid down the slide into the seemingly colorful ball-pit in the Daycare, that was as dark as mid-night. Gregory:"I don't think Moondrop's here, should we turn on the generators." Y/N:"I don't think we should, if we do need to hide from someone, it would be easier in the dark." Gregory:"Eh- smart." A few moments later, you and Gregory both got a new audio message on your Fazwatches. 'New message from Freddy:"Y/N, Gregory, I am outside, in front of the Daycare, did you make it there safely?" Gregory replied with a yes. Freddy on the Fazwatch:"Okay, come outside the Daycare but be careful, I suspect someone else is near us now." 

                          The two of you looked out of the clear Daycare walls to see where Freddy was, and  just as he said he was right in front of the Daycare, looking around, waiting for you and Gregory. Gregory:"Aaalrighty, let's go Y/N-" Gregory started to walk to the Daycare door but you grabbed his shirt sleeve stopping him. Y/N:"Wait- Gregory, I don't think we should go out yet." Gregory:"Why, what's wrong?" Y/N:"I don't know I just don't feel like something's wrong, kinda like a sixth sense I guess." Gregory:"Well- I always trusted what you ''sensed'' with your, I don't know, third eye? So I'll just wait- but if you're wrong- fuck you." Y/N:" * gAsP* I'm sO oFfEnDeD!" You and Gregory giggled for a second and looked back at Freddy. After a few seconds you gasped with fear.

                         You and Gregory saw Vanny closing behind Freddy without him knowing, you didn't know what to do! Just the sight of her made your spine shiver. Y/N:"Gregory! I don't know what to do!" Gregory:"Don't worry I got this!" Gregory gave a voice audio to Freddy on his Fazwatch, he yelled, "Freddy look behind you, quick!" Freddy quickly turned around but it was too late, Vanny had already jumped on Freddy's shoulders trying to stab his head with a knife. 

                                                     Y/N:"FREDDY!!" you screamed...

*.The Mysteries Of The PizzaPlex.* Sunrise/Moondrop x (Non-binary) readerWhere stories live. Discover now