The Medic (Part 10)

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                                           Once you and Moondrop finished your hug, and you stopped crying you stepped away back to Gregory. Gregory:"So what should we do about Vannessa, she'll obviously still be looking for us." Moondrop:"She won't touch the two of you as long as I'm with you, say, I may have done something to Vannessa in the past that made her terrified of me, but that story is for another day." Gregory didn't like Moondrop, so he was walking beside you with a pissed look on his face. To you it seemed like he wanted to full on punch Moondrop, the expression in his eyes told you so. 

                                         As the three of you walked to Freddy's room, your arm and hand felt like they were swollen from falling into the ball-pit and punching Moondrop, you felt so stupid. What were you thinking punching a robot that probably weighs like a thousand pounds. You winced at the pain in your arm and held it with your other hand. Gregory:"Hey, Y/N, are you okay? It looks like you're hurt." Y/N:"Yeah I'm fine, I just fell from the balcony from Moondrop/Sunrise's room, I'll be okay." Moondrop got worried about you, he didn't want his Y/N to be in pain. Moondrop grabbed you arm to examine it which surprised you.

                                       The three of you stopped walking to Freddy's dressing-room while Moondrop looked at your arm. He noticed there was a large blue, purple bruise on your arm and also a bruise on the back of your hand. Moondrop:"Y/N! Does it hurt?! I can get you an ice-pack, the bruise looks like it hurts a lot." said Moondrop with a worried, but tender voice. Y/N:"It's okay  Moon, my hand just has a bruise from when I totally accidentally punched you. I'll be fine, promise." Moondrop:"Are you sure? Know what I'll take you to the medic room, come on Y/N, I'll carry you there!" 

                                       Once again you promised Moondrop that you were perfectly fine, and that you didn't need to go to the medic room, but Moondrop wasn't going to take no for an answer. Moondrop picked you up and carried you in his arms to the medic room, and Gregory trailing behind Moondrop, not happy we were going in the opposite direction of Freddy's room. Y/N:"Moondrop! I am able to walk, I'm not paralyzed!" you said to Moondrop with a pissed tone within your voice. Moondrop:"I don't care, I won't let you get even more hurt!" Moondrop's answer was now set in stone, he wasn't going to let you walk to the medic even if your legs were  working perfectly.

                                     Once all three of you had arrived at the medic room, Moondrop set you down in a little seat. You had a face with the expression of an angry killer. You were sorta embarrassed Moondrop carried you all the way. Gregory read your expression and all he saw was you wanting to full on jump Moondrop. Just then, you saw there was a staff-bot there that seemed to you to be a medic, it was all dirty and beaten down. It looked broken, it looked like someone disassembled it. Moondrop was looking around in the cab-nit to find an ice-pack so you got up to examine the broken down staff bot and waved Gregory to come over to the little beaten animatronic in the corner.

                                      Gregory:"Damn, it looked like someone  put it in the trash compacter, why do you think it's beaten down?" Y/N:"I don't know but its kinda creepy. I don't know why, but I feel like there is something wrong here, like we shouldn't be here. It's...strange." You wen't to touch it, but a voice in your head urged you not to, you felt like something wasn't right. Gregory:"Hey, this place creeps me out, can we just get what we need and go, Moondrop?! It's all dirty." Moondrop had found and ice-pack and walked over to you to give you it.

                                      Just then you heard foot-steps, and a voice, it sounded strangely someone you had met before but don't remember. Moondrop knew who it was, and panicked, but it was too late, the door opened and emerged the one you were running from your whole life...

*.The Mysteries Of The PizzaPlex.* Sunrise/Moondrop x (Non-binary) readerWhere stories live. Discover now