Unluckiest Marshmallow ~Part 4 (Final)~

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Light POV

Oh god, am I doing the right thing? I did only date Charli since she is the closest to Carli but I don't wanna break her heart like that!! Well Sigh I'll text Alex and tell her that I'm gonna end things with Charli since it isnt working out, I hope she isn't mad at me....
Light: Hey sis
Alex: Hey bro!
Light: I need you to tell Charli something...
Alex: OK SURE!!!!
Light: Tell her I don't think this is working out and we aren't really a match for each other, I know this is sudden but I think I found someone else...
Alex: Oh...
Alex: I don't think you should come home for a few days, Charli might not be happy...
Light: Thats fine i guess, ill stay out of recording and stay at mom and dads house for the week
Alex: Kk

Alex POV

So Levi's plan did succeed? Wow I guess he was right when he said he always gets his way.
Charli: Come in...
Alex: Hey char! Whats wrong?
Charli: everyone is ignoring me, I don't know what I did wrong!!!
Alex: Well uh, I know this will just add more pain to the wound, but Light just texted me and said he doesnt think this will work out anymore between you 2
Charli started sobbing alot
Charli: W-What

Nobody POV

Charli was now crying into Alex's shoulder, her and Light had only been dating for a few weeks and now he suddenly ends it with her? Charli was heartbroken but she still didn't know why all the boys except light were ignoring her...
Alex: So uh, I heard Luca likes you
Charli: Hes my bestie Alex!!
Alex: Give it a think for a week ok? Maybe Luca is better than Light
Charli was intrigued by Alex's Offer, She knew it was sudden but maybe Alex was just getting options opened up, Charli didn't sleep that night thinking about what Luca could fill that Light couldn't
1 week Later
Charli: Come in Alex!!
Alex: So have you thought it through?
Alex stared at Charli with hope
Charli: Yes, I have and ill give him a chance!
Alex was really happy, but how would charli confess? That was just about to be answered when Charli ran out of the room. Alex texted Levi saying the plan was in its final move, and the squad got into position. (What I mean by that is they were around a corner waiting for Charli to run into Luca's room and then they would eavesdrop)

Am I not good enough? Am I not worthy enough? Am I not polite enough? Luca was constantly thinking of these bad thoughts, he thought he was never gonna be good enough for the girl he loved so dearly, but all that was swiftly blown out of his mind when a certain someone abruptly knocked on the door.
Charli: Luca...? Can I come in please?
Luca mumbled a yes
Charli came running in, looking at luca who hadn't eaten in a few weeks.
Charli: Luca- are you okay??
She ran to hug him
Luca: Yes... What is it?
Charli: Well... I have a confession
Luca raised his head slightly
Charli: I don't know if you knew, but Light broke up with me last week... and Alex said you liked me alot and I should think about me and you, and I think you would be a perfect partner!
Luca had his head raised all the way up, with happy tears running down his eyes
Luca: Does that mean-
Charli nodded
They both leaned in and kissed

(The squad behind the door)
Sora: Yeeee! Charluca Confirmed!!!
Alex: Good job Levi, Good Job

Hope you enjoyed :) Next one-shot will be a thing where 2 people are trying to win over a certain person's heart, ill let u have ur theories ;) BAIII

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