Chapter 23 - Darkar's Prisoner

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Emily's POV

Well it took a while to calm me down from my breakdown

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Well it took a while to calm me down from my breakdown. I knew  Aiden and I were going to go on a break but he still stayed in my room to see if I was going to be okay.

¨Why didn you tell me?¨Aiden asked.

¨Cause I was afraid Aiden I found a guy who I love and I was going to potentially leave him in a few years so excuse me for just wanting to be with the guy I love without problems.¨I said.

¨Hey you aren't going to lose me I promise.¨He said as he kissed me and I kissed back and well you probably guessed I was no longer a virgin.

The next morning we woke up and got changed and the air wasn't as awkward as it was last night.

¨We are going to have to infiltrate Darkar's fortress to save Bloom.¨Aiden groans.

¨Hey I don't like Bloom but let's do this for the sake of the entire dimension let's just save her ass.¨I said making him grin at me.

We walked to where everyone was and it was kind of awkward cause I was with Evan who wouldn't look at me , Ethan who looked at me in pity ,Aiden who soothingly rubbed my back ,Riven who Hi-fived me , Brandon who grinned at me , Aisha who hugged me,Flora who grinned at me,Helia who fist bumped me and Techna who was by me but not speaking while everyone else was glaring at me.

¨So the pixies coming on the trip?¨I questioned.

¨Yes they are .¨Responded Evan who finally looked at me and his eyes filled with sympathy not pity.

Well we all got on the jet and I noticed there was 2 cliques which were Timmy,Musa,Sky and Stella vs the rest of us.

¨We need a plan that they won't expect.¨I said making Stella roll her eyes.

¨Listen the 4 of you have a problem with me fucking get over it now cause we need to trust each for now .¨I said.

¨How can we trust that you will give us the whole story?¨Stella asked glaring.So she wanted utter bitch mode and that was what she was going to get.

¨Listen sweetheart I don give a fuck.I didn share the prophecy cause it was no body's business but my own.¨I said glaring at her just as fiercely. 

¨Now Ethan when we get there use your pyrokinesis to melt some of the walls so we can get in and park so we don't have to split up.¨I said making everyone nod.

The Trix show up which makes me want to rip my hair out but I managed.We find a safer altitude but unfortunately for us , Stormy  strikes at us with a strong bolt of lightning, causing a major engine malfunction on the ship. And so now, we  are a standstill. The Trix continue causing problems for us, with creating a large ice ball to smash us. This is prevented thanks to  Flora growing roots to hold it up. But then Icy creates a blizzard, and we are  suffering from the cold. Stella can no longer withstand the cold, and heats things up. This helps the engines regain power and just in time too, because the roots holding up the ice ball burned away and began to fall on us.We have to deal with the bad part beating Darkar and saving Bloom.

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