Chapter 9 -Professor Avalon's secret

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Emily's POV

(The one with white jeans)

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(The one with white jeans)

Since I learned Ethan was my brother I had so many questions .Why did they give me up and what were my powers ? I decided to call Ethan.

"Hey Emily what's up?"Ethan greeted.

"Nothing much I am just wondering ."I said.

"Emily stop doing that to yourself.Our parents love and want you."Ethan says .

"Easy for you to say you grew up with them ."I said.

"Emily you are not second choice.You are not Aiden's second choice.You are not my second choice.You are not Stella's second choice. You are not Aisha's and you sure as hell aren't our parents."Ethan said .

"I know it is just that I have been second choice to Bloom my entire life so I am not used to being first choice .I thought I was an orphan for 16 years and had little to none parental support."I said

"Em I know and don't change a thing about yourself we love you all the same even if you don't believe us."Ethan says.

"Thanks baby bro I needed to hear that bye."I said as I ended the call .

I walk into the dining hall and sit down on the table my friends are at.I see Bloom blush since Professor pervert walked in.He handed every girl a flower and left.I threw mine to Flora not wanting anything to do with him.

"Didn't you guys say Avalon had wings?"Techna says snapping Stella out of her reverie.

"Yes he did."I said confirming it.

"Where did they go?"Techna questions.

"I don't know or care to know."I said.

Techna,Aisha and I walked to Alfea's garden since she needed  some help carrying books.

"Hello Professor Avalon."Faragonda greets.

"Hello Faragonda .There are 195 tulips missing."He says .

"That is a very good cognitive acuity."Faragonda compliments while Techna and I are glaring at him .

"How can Bloom like someone like that?"Techna questions enraged.

"Techna Bloom is a selfish person who likes to make herself seem better by lying and manipulating people to like her."I deadpanned to Techna.

"Looking back I can see what you mean."Techna says.

"Look if Bloom wants to hang around a pervert it isn't our business.He posses a threat so let's just ask headmistress Griffin since she specializes in astrology and prophecies,"I said.

"Why didn't I think of that  before?"Techna questions.

"Because you were to busy fussing over nothing."I said making her playfully shove me.

Innovations class was interesting since professor palladium finally had a glow up which we all wished he had sooner.When he called on Stella she put that Emerald girl or whatever on the spot which made me want to laugh my head off.

"Techna you take Livy,Digit and Zing to cloud tower and Ethan will give you a ride since he owes me presents."I said to Techna after walking out of the class.

Techna tells me about what griffin said which is she can't understand the prophecy until it is dark which makes me think she is full of bullshit.

I decide to sit out the winx's plan to attack Avalon knowing we will get in trouble which they did but I still was suspicious of him.

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