Chapter 20 -Charmix power

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Emily's POV

(The one in the middle)

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(The one in the middle)

I was sitting on the beach in my bikini staring at my boyfriend who was shirtless cause damn my boo got abs.

¨Hey girls How about we throw a fashion show for the boys?¨Stella suggests.

¨Okay I am down for that.¨I said.

¨How about we go camping?¨Aisha suggests .

¨That is a good idea we can do the camping after we do the fashion show since it is still morning.¨I said hoping to avoid conflict between Stella and Aisha.

¨That's fine with me.¨Stella says making Aisha nod in agreement.

After a while we all decided to go to sleep to get some rest but I can't help but think something is going to go wrong.

¨How about we right letters to our parents?¨Aisha suggested.

¨I don't really want to but you guys can.¨I sai as I walked off to my brother and sat near him and  started reading a book on Argon royal history.

I noticed Aisha wasn't with the girls anymore so I thought she went for a walk to clear her head. Stella went after her cause she was taking to long.

I was worried about both of them since it had almost been an hour.  Riven decides to go track them down, and tells them all that sitting around is not going to help. Musa follows him and tries to tell him that he should not be so blunt about things, but Riven is just being honest and wants Musa to at least think before she answers his questions. This annoys Musa and she heads off elsewhere to cool down.

I went after her seeing as she needs someone.

¨He is so infuriating.¨Musa seethes.

¨Musa have you ever tried just being honest with him cause that is what a relationship needs?¨I questioned her.

¨No.¨She answers.

¨Just be honest with him that is all the guy wants.¨I said.

¨Thanks for the advice Emily.¨She said and she walked off to presumably go to talk to Riven.

We continued walking to search for them but a signal flare shows up and we know it is Stella so we run in that direction to save her and Aisha.

i see a ogre lunging at them and grab my sai and throw it at the ogre which stabs it in the heart killing it instantly.

We rejoin with Stella and Aisha but there is a problem since we are being chased by a bunch of animals.

¨Those animals are not acting normal at all .¨I said as we started running.

¨Darcy is controlling them.¨Musa says.

¨Of course she is.¨I said rolling my eyes.

As we run further, we near the traps laid out and Riven stops us. With his knowledge, he leads our footing in order to avoiding setting off the trap. But once in the clearing, the monsters close in on us and although we want to get further, we reach the cliff and now, we have nowhere to go

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