Chapter 12 - Win-x together

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Emily's POV

(The one with long sleeves)

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(The one with long sleeves)

We were in Faragonda's convergence class which was combining magic into a more powerful spell.

"Guys the six of us have got to try this."Bloom says purposely excluding Aisha which makes me frown.

"Emily did you see the way she excluded Aisha?"Musa says to me as we walk out of the class.

"I saw that like who does that?Also poor Aisha."I said.

"I know right like how can Bloom be such a bitch ?"Musa says.

"My dear Bloom is a master manipulator so it is kind of to see through her."I deadpanned making Musa laugh.

"So about you and riven.What's there? Spill the details."I said smirking.

"There is nothing there."She said flushing as she stormed off.

"I can see your blush all the way here."I teased smirking at her.In response she flipped me the middle finger which made me laugh.

"So how are the pixies?"I asked Stella popping out of nowhere.

"Jeez Emily you gave me a scare and yes the pixies are fine they just need rest."Stella says clutching her hand.

We walk back into convergence class .Musa and Aisha convergence fails,So does Techna's and Flora also Stella and Bloom's .Surprise Surprise Stella and I's convergence was the only one to work.

"The six of us will rock the simulator."Bloom says which makes Aisha walk off.I go after her.

"Hey Aisha wait.Are you okay?"I asked sensing her distress.

"I am fine Emily thanks for asking."she says.

"You know you are apart of the Winx .Just don't mind Bloom she is a bitch."I said making her laugh.

"Aisha you are definitely part of the group and invited to the slumber party ."Stella says making me grin.

We walk into me and Stella's room for the sleepover.Stella discusses her first crush which makes me want to laugh.

"Yes I like Riven guys but I don't think he will want to date someone like me."Musa says.

"Musa what on earth are you talking about?You are a stunning young woman and any many would be lucky to have you."I said making her feel better.

"Emily is right do you see the way he looks at you?"Stella questions rhetorically.

"Your one to talk Stella when you fell in love with Brandon first."Aisha says making up a mock theory.

"No it was the opposite and if anything Emily fell in love with Aiden first."Stella says.

"Well that is kind of true."I said shrugging.

The next morning we all went to the simulator chamber. Techna sensed there was a glitch but professor Palladium told us that he put an exit code since he couldn't reprogram the simulator .

We fight against a monster but soon realize magical attacks have no effect on it so we build our own monster.Aisha makes the body, Flora gives it support,I give it invulnerability, Techna gives it a brain, Stella gives it sight, and Bloom gives it a will of its own.

It defeated the monster and we found out Jared was being controlled by the Trix more specifically Darcy.

I went to bed after that entire situation being very  tired.

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