He always knew he was the 'other men' in her life. It still sucks to have play second, third, and even sometimes fourth to someone else. He knows for a fact he can get any women he wants and get out of that relationship

Without her twisting his arm with a gun in his head. He was free, for as long as he can remember. She already expressed how inconvenient it is to have so many people competing for her love. If it isn't obvious enough she couldn't take two.

He knows, and Jimin as well.

"I know you're still affected" Jimin said when he noticed his dear friend was in deep thought while stealing a glance from Jungkook's own girlfriend. He lets out a sigh of grief "Jungkook is still our friend-"

"He's not my friend"

Jimin shrugs, not interested with Taehyung's short temper. This is the first case he's experienced a friendship which was one sided "and I am not affected anymore"

"Then you should have left her in the streets crying, it's none of your business anymore" he didn't care if Taehyung got mad with what he said. It was the truth, it's really tiring to hear him being so in denial of the truth. The man next to him growls "shut up"

"I'm over it"

"Are you still mad?" he questioned, biting down on his sandwich harshly. Jimin understands that Taehyung couldn't even meet his gaze since he didn't know what to say.

Jimin's mind flashed back to a scene in which Taehyung was crying so loudly that he couldn't breathe. How agonizing it was for him to witness his friend in pieces because the girl he loved couldn't love him wholeheartedly in return.

He believed he despised her because she was plagued with infidelity and had the audacity to break his bestfriend's heart and go with another man, but when he saw Taehyung bringing her back to their apartment and telling him she was crying about Jungkook, he tried to understand.

And maybe he did, a little.

He followed Taehyung's gaze, catching a glimpse of her smile at Jungkook, but it wasn't enough to quell his thoughts.

Taehyung may have been correct; Jungkook is really toxic.Despite the fact that it is difficult to believe

And then his gaze was drawn to the other person next to Tzuyu, Kim Dahyun, who is still as stunning as the day he first met her at that Busan party. He laughs as he blanks out at the image of her munching fries like an effing princess.

"hehe" Taehyung gagged, disgustedly staring at Jimin. Scrunching his nose at Jimin's simping over the girl he was chasing from Busan to Seoul

look who's staring like a creep now

When he glances back to see her laughing with Jungkook and he whispers something hilarious in her ears, she feels lonely, but he's learnt from the consequences of him pitying that woman.

Look where his emotions led him. He didn't expect them to cross paths again, and he wished he didn't have to. He was so close, just a little more and he'd be able to forget everything..

Why is fate so amusing that he wants to punch it to death? However it is non-existent..

'It's none of your business anymore.'

Jimin talks too much sometimes that he wants to cover his mouth with packing tape till the day they die. He hates being slapped with reality sometimes because he finds comfort in the arms of his lies.

Until | TaetzuWhere stories live. Discover now