New eBook started and Finally Attacking Depression

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I started the day reading 2 Chronicles 20 and writing in a new ebook called "When We Begin to Praise" based on a new song I wrote a few weeks ago. In that book I will be focusing on the moments when God's people got big breakthroughs in very difficult circumstances when they began to praise God. What proceeded the breakthroughs?  How did they praise? What did they praise God for? How did God move when they began to praise? How were they changed when they began to sing/praise? I hope to give this ebook to people for free when I release the song later this year. I want to keep it short and sweet. But I know how I

Then I booked a doctor's visit for a spot on my hip that looks strange. Uh oh!

Then I prepared myself for the upcoming half hour session with a psychologist to discuss my loneliness and bouts of depression. What?  How can I , on one hand, write a book about the power of worship/praise and on the other hand need to go to a psychologist for depression. It's easy to answer that: Just because you have faith in God, doesn't mean that you haven't been hurt by people along the way.

Many musicians and artists fight depression. Don't be ashamed if you do - just attack it by getting help rather sooner than later. Don't be a jerk like me and wait. Book a first conversation now.

After trying to fix myself for years, I finally reached out to get some professional help with my problems with depression. Depression is something that plagues most of us in the music/creative industries. I have been trying to work it out on my own for a very long time (four decades),  but now I am turning to KBT with an online psychologist. I think it is the "I have mental problems" stamp I wanted to avoid all along. But I wish I'd swallowed my pride and sought help decades ago.

What I understand from our fist meeting is that my faith and reading self help books made me aware of and helped me deal with the pain in my soul. The scars and the negative reflexes to others' actions are plain as day. This past year was so rough that I finally had to face the fact that I need help in order to continue with music, yeah, life in general.

I have been, for the most part and in the face of great adversity, a thankful and positive person, strong and making my way forward through life.  But I've been strong so long while my soul was in shambles and lonely that my mental strength and joy have now evaporated completely.

The meeting

I booked a half hour session with a psychologist online and it was good. First, before the meeting, I had to fill out two forms where I explained my problem and my background. Then came the video call. She listened, asked questions and spoke about how iKBT works. Then, after the conversation, I was given two things - the pic below and a pdf on negative thoughts and how to break them. So now I get to work on this for a week. I booked three more sessions.I hope this helps me. (sorry this is in Swedish) 

It says: Depressions Evil Cycle - depression > reduced activity > increased worry >increased negative thoughts > feeling of hopelessness > more negative thoughts > more inactivity >  depression

If you or someone you know seems down way too much

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If you or someone you know seems down way too much. Get help.

For now, I have a music video to finish for a gal in the U.K., a teaching session at 3 p.m., two audio engineering books to read and a song to release asap. But I will take some time every day to eat right, exercise, work on the info from the session today and try to find contentment and joy in the little things in life. (Btw I saw some trees already budding!)

The Bible says, "Above all else guard your heart because from it life flows."  Guard your heart, fellow musician friend. Be good to yourself. Love yourself.

Time for lunch and a nice long walk....

Until next time.

An Indie Musician's Diary Volume 4: Album two in the makingWhere stories live. Discover now