4.) Mattheo Life Story

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(You can skip this chapter if you don't wanna know his backstory)

~Mattheo POV~

My dad (a few of you might know him he has a few names: Tom Marvlo Riddle, Voldemort, The Dark Lord, He Who Shall Not Be Named)
had been in human form for quite a bit, but just now decided to come be in my life again. I didn't really care he left when I was about 9 with my half brother, Thomas Mack Riddle, my dad wanted to name him after himself but the mom wanted to name him after her grandfather so they compromised, but basically he's a rip off of my dad.

You know what?, while we're already kinda doing this I'll just give you my life story:

Ok so my dad, as you all know was turned into I don't even know what to describe it as, but you know like a elf spirit form and he still hanged around with like 2 of his followers and his wife (my half brothers mother) but then his wife realized she didn't want this life so she packed her bags and left without her child, which I think was probably the bitchiest part but anyways, then my dad got me a nanny.
He didn't pay her with money just with the privilege of being alive. We had a big old house it was nice as hell he didn't kill the wizards that lived there he just brain washed them, so when they were around anyone else, they would have no memory of him besides what everyone else already knows.

But then when I turned 9 and Tom (Thomas) was 8 my dad just wasn't there and neither was his 2 little followers, so the nanny took us to her family and then she died and her family shut us out.

I was 12 with my brother and we were living on the streets until one day a nice young couple found us and they took us in like we were there own they sent me to Hogwarts, and I wasn't very good at making friends and I didn't really want friends of course the girls liked me because I was 'Dark and mysterious' as they would say .

I didn't like going class so when I turned 14 I started to skip a lot, but I was good at magic so I found a spell to make the teachers do what I wanted so I made them give me all A+ and so it didn't show me being absent.

Now what was I doing when I was absent? Well normally I would just go to my dorm and read a book or go to a river that was near Hogwarts and read or I would be smoking a cigarette or weed, or doing coke or shrooms. Now, you may be thinking 'what the hell why would you do that to yourself?' It was an escape just like reading was an escape except ones a bit  more extreme.

Anyways then one summer I came home from Hogwarts to that couple not there, but you know who was? My dear old dad. So I asked him where they were and he was like 'oh yeah I killed them' and inside I was a bit sad considering they were the only people who showed me complete and utter kindness but I quickly got over that and adapted to my dad being around.

Also in case you're confused on how no one noticed him killing the couple he just made it look like a suicide and that was enough for the people. So then you know they closed the house for investigation since 2 people had killed them selves so we had to go which brings us to now:

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