Wnat the fuck!

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Tony pov:
"Wait you telling me you kidnap her."

"Tony she want to go home and her dad was just going to hit her." Wanda said

" you were supposed to be the good one." I said and put my head on hand.

Sorry but Tony-

No Wanda you kidnap a kid. What are we going to say.

We found her on the streets

No Wanda we find alots of people on the streets.

She has my power Tony we can't just let her go home and kill peoples

Wait she has powers, YOURS! HOW

I don't know Tony.

I left out a sigh I was stressing about Peter. He had so many test coming up and he get stab at. Now I have y/n to worry about.

Y/N pov

I woke up in a bed that comfortable, the smell is weird. No alcohol smell for a Miles. When I opened my eyes I realize this is not my bed. Not my house. I got up and the wall was glass. What where am I. I started to remember the roof and I pounded on the glass yelling for Wanda.

"WANDA WHAT THE FUCK. I NEED TO BE HOME. I GOING TO KILL YOU. FUCK YOU WANDA!!" I yelled many and many time. Soon I start to look around the room. I couldn't find a blade but a camera. "Fuck"

I look to back of me and captain American was there drinking coffee.
"Look I have some places to be like school. Have you ever heard of school. Oh wait you been alive when it was invented." I yell at him. And I sat down on the bed I woke up in.

" ouch, Steve did that hurt." I look up at the camera and Tony Stark aka Ironman was speaking though it.

Steve: "no I been told that many times so nice try." Steve said with a smile and drank coffee right in front of me.

" what do you guys want, my life story, my powers, what tell me." I was switching in between the camera and Steve. Tony came down and look at me.

"We want nothing b-" tony said. Leaning on the handle the class door.

"Than what" I rudely interrupted him.

"I was going to say how you got your powers." He said now standing straight up. Steve just look at me and drank his coffee.

"I don't know how." I said

"Well time for blood test!" Tony smile and jump and walk way. Steve just walk way.

I cover the camera with the stuff teddy bear I found. And put the blanks on the glass so I had some privacy. Bruce walk in with needle and blood capsules.

"Come roll up your sleeves y/n" Bruce said and he look sad that he was doing this. I didn't want to roll up my sleeve as my arm had so many cuts on them. I just didn't want to do it.

"Come on y/n, do I have to do it... look I know this is not fun but you have to do it." He said he sat down next to me. His smile was big and bright. I could tell he the type of guy as soon as he walk in you all smile. I smile faintly and look away as I pull up my sleeve.
"Thank you y/n. You know I see a lot of people with the same scars like you and now they are living life." He said I could tell he was trying so hard.

~time skip~

Wanda talk to me about my situation. Saying it not good idea to go home and enjoy the public. She told my mom everything she said that only she can visit me because I am in very Fragile state.

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