Chapter 14

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Meowscles and Jules were fishing at the lake surrounding The Agency as they caught a bite.

"I got one! I got one!" Jules yelled as she realed her catch in and Meowscles helped and saw the whopper she had caught. "Wow! It's massive!"

"It is indeed, Jules! Well done! Now throw it back in the water while I mark your 5-pointer fish! Aww rats, you're now ahead of me!" Meowscles totalled up the current points. "You have 15 and I have 13!"

"Yay!" She giggled and threw her line out again, hoping to stay in the lead of this fish-catching race. "I will win this!"

"Not if I can help it, Jules!"

"Jules." Someone called from behind. Jules looked behind her and saw her Dad standing under a tree.

"Daddy!" She ran to Midas and hugged him as he smiled slightly and picked up her.

"How's my little bundle of joy doing?" He asked as she realised something was off with him, but it didn't stay a second later.

"Good! Me and Uncle Meowscles are catching fish and I am winning!" When he put her down she jumped and ran into the sun and to the water. "Come see! Come see, Papa!"

"Ok." Midas looked at the sun and sighed before his skin changed slightly and walked into the sun. "Fresh air is nice..."

"See I got 15 points and Meow got 13!"

"Well done." Midas smiled and looked at himself in the water and sighed deeply. "You two keep having fun, don't be late for dinner later on." Midas then walked back inside and saw Tek on the computer, not doing his usual work. "Tek." He growled quietly.

"Oh, boss! Hi!" He chuckled nervously. "I was just... j-just..." Tek looked into Midas eyes and gulped. "I-I'm sorry..."

"I suggest you finish off your duties before playing some poxy card game." Midas walked upstairs and into his personal quaters where Dominion was at. He was laying on the bed, practising his fire skills. "Dominion."

"M-Midas... You told me to come back here and then immediately left. What happened?" The Demon/Devil stood up and walked to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Midas' waist.

"I'm sorry, Agent." Midas hugged back and sighed deeply into the red chest. "I just don't feel the same..."

"Is the bites marks hurting you?" Dominion asked as he moved slowly to look at the two bite marks in Midas' pale, tattooed neck.

"Only a little bit, but it doesn't matter to me." Midas answered and walked to the window and sighed and closed the curtains.

"Midas?" The light they had was a small lamp. Dominion's body was not litten uo due to him not being angry or defensive of himself. "M-Midas?"


"M-Midas...?" Dominion gulped as he was suddenly pinned to the wall. "W-What's happening to you!?"

"You smell good~" Midas sniffed Dominion neck and gave it a soft lick. "Wonder if you taste just as good~" Midas went to bite him, but Dominion punched him in the stomach harshly. "Ow! Fucker!" Midas hissed and spat out blood and Dominion's body was now glowing in defense.

"Snap out of it! Sanctum has made you into a vampire! Show me your teeth." Midas smirked at this comment, showing his two Vampire fangs in the process. "I will fight you if I have to!"

"You'll fight me, huh~?" Midas chuckled as his skin turned paler. "I wonder if you could defeat me with THAT power~"

Dominion and Midas' battle started in the dim lights as they both landed good blows, but received quite a bit of damage. The Demon/Devil was starting to get pissed off now, so his wings came out of his back, shocking Midas as he snarled.

Dominion flew up and kicked Midas in the face, sending him back into the wall.

'Vampires can't stand the sun. They start to burn...'

The flying Demon/Devil grabbed Midas and smashed through the window, not in the sunlight.

"TURN BACK OR I'LL DROP YOU INTO THE WATER!" Dominion bellowed as he got shot. "Ow!" He yelped as he felt light-headed. He dropped Midas as he fell into the water and Dominion fell to the ground near the water, groaning weakly. It was Brutus, TnTina, Skye and Maya. They ran over. "Y-You idiots!" Dominion tried to get up, but couldn't move that much.

"Boss!" Brutus yelled in the water to try and see Midas. "Boss! Where are you!?"

"Why would you do such a terrible thing!?" Skye asked Dominion. "We thought you loved him!"

"H-He... Is... A Vampire!" Dominion managed to groan as Midas crawled onto the grass and coughed up water. He was now normal again. "M-Midas..."

"I'm fine..." Midas groaned and slowly stood up, him being back to normal, but with some burn marks on his skin. "I just need some water..." He then limped inside.

"Wow... We really are cursed..." Skye sighed as Brutus helped Dominion stand up.

"Yeah... Cursed..." Dominion looked up at the sky and sighed. 'I must become stronger...'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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