1 - I'm mute

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- as promised, a new marina book for the return of greys/station 19 today!

- comment the hell out of this!

- enjoy!!!!!

Maya's POV

"Herrera, is she ok?" I ask, looking at Andy come out of the burning building with a girl next to her. She looked about 15 so I had no clue why she was in the basement of a warehouse

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask, getting her to sit on the gurney

"She hasn't answered anything I've asked," Andy tells me

"Did she hit her head on something?" I ask, thinking about a possible head injury

"No, she's fine, probably inhaled some smoke but that's it,  just won't speak,"

"Is she deaf?"

"No, she responds to noise, just won't speak,"

"Maybe it's phycological damage?"

"possibly", Andy answers as I notice the girl smiling at us

"What?" I ask, looking at Andy confused as she takes the pad and pen out of my front pocket, writing something quickly before pushing it in my chest

'I'm mute, dumbasses'

"Well, that makes a bit more sense," I say as she signs something to herself, not trying to communicate with us but probably talking about us

"Gibson!" I yell, "get over here"

"Yeah?" he asks, looking confused as the girl looks fine

"She doesn't speak but she knows sign language," I say as he starts signing something, to me it looked like a bunch of gibberish, "Gibson?" I ask after they've been going back and forth for a while, laughing between each other, "what's she saying?"

"Um... we were talking about how you're an idiot... captain"

"that's right; captain, now ask the real stuff"

"she goes by S, she's 15, she feels fine, she doesn't have any family to go with and she's a lot more fun than you"

"you're dismissed Gibson," I say as she writes something else, giving it to Andy this time, Andy smiling as I take the note, 'feisty', "correct, that's why I'm captain," I say as she hands me another one

'You don't have to be all professional', 

"I sort of do, I'm working"

"Anyway, we're going to call CPS," I say, watching her face drop despite her best efforts to hide it, "Herrera, go back, they need your help, I'll stay here," I say as she gives me a look, knowing I'm always forcing someone else to sit with the kids, "I don't want her running away," I say simply, sitting in the ambulance with her as Andy goes off,

"So, you don't talk?" I ask as she shakes her head, "why were you in the warehouse?", I say as she scribbles something else

'I'll tell you if you tell me something that doesn't make you sound like a robot'

"Like what?"

'Your name, and don't say bishop because I can get that from your uniform'

"Maya" I sigh, "now, why were you in the warehouse?"

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