5 - parents

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the next day, Maya wasn't working so they were back down at the station which Skylar was starting to prefer to sitting at home doing nothing

"got you" Maya laughs, pulling Skylar onto her lap which she really liked to be honest, though she'd never admit it, "are you ok?" she asks, Skylar nodding on her shoulder

"so, what's going on in the DeLuca-bishop-... S? household?" jack asks, "you've got to stop hyphenating," he laughs

"it's the same old, boring as ever," Maya says, not knowing if she wanted them all knowing her name yet or not

they all sat around talking for a while, either about calls they had or pru, which they had just found out was speaking a lot more

"wait, so, how did you end up in the system?" Travis asks, just realising they never knew

"no comment" she types on her phone, Maya feeling her tense up

only Camila knew why she was in the system, and that was only because they were already friends beforehand.

truth be told, she always used to speak, ask anyone and she was the most talkative person you'd come across, but that only lasted up until 3 years ago

just after her 12th birthday, her mom, dad, sister and her were waiting out the rain to go out, but Skylar being the inpatient person she is, managed to convince them to leave early,

they must have made it 15 minutes, with barely any noise in the car, her dad driving and her mom on her phone, her and her sister, Lucy, looking at something together on her iPad

it was sudden, there were no headlights coming towards them, there was no screaming, one minute they were happy, the next Skylar woke up in the crushed car, both her parents pronounced dead at the scene and her sister in a coma.

she saw them, all of them, she saw her mom and dad completely crushed by the front of the car, and her sister lying beside her, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and a group of people outside who watched it happen

after hours of drilling and sawing their way through the car, they managed to get both lucy and Skylar out, the both of them going to the hospital but only one of them walking out

to this day, lucy is still very much alive, she's in a coma which she may stay in for the rest of her life, but she's alive and in a long term care facility that was about a 10-minute walk from the station

she didn't speak a word after leaving the hospital. she wouldn't speak to Camila for an entire year, hence the fact they're so good at sign language, and she only started actually talking to lucy instead of just sitting there, when Camila convinced her to

"hey?" Maya asks quietly, noticing her zoned out, "are you ok?" she asks, Skylar simply nodding

"I need to go somewhere, I'll be back" she types before getting up and leaving, Travis looking guilty

"what did i do?" he asks

"I don't know," Maya sighs

Skylar, on the other hand, was going to the two places she could think of. she went to her sister first.

"skylar!" a nurse smiles, the only reason she knew her name was because they needed it for medical records, "you haven't been here in a few days, everything ok?" she asks, handing her a whiteboard

"yeah, I just got new foster parents"

"they better be nice or I will hurt them" she threatens, "I know how to make it look like an accident"

"they really nice," she writes, giving her a reassuring smiles before going into her sister's room

"hey, luce," she says, sitting on the chair next to her, putting her legs up on the bed

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