"Yeah, I can swing by. I'll be there in a few." I hung up and just turned to look at their astonished faces.

"I'm sorry guys. But Morgan is literally begging for me. Rain check?" They both nodded, I'm guessing still surprised I have Mr. Stark's number.

I didn't bother to put my suit on, since Harley lives there and it would be disastrous if he saw me changing. I gave the guys an awkward wave before I swung out of the window.

I made my way to the compound and stopped swinging as I made it to the empty lobby. I walked through the doors after FRIDAY granted me access.

I got up to the penthouse to see Wanda waving her magical fingers in front of an amazed Morgan. Morgan never gets tired of that.

"That was quick." I heard Harley's cold voice. My chest felt tight as I heard how he talked to me.
"I was in the area." I shrugged.

He doesn't hate you, exactly. You're Spider-Man.

I kept telling myself that, but it didn't hurt any less. I ignored him, and walked up to Wanda and Morgan.

"Petey!" Morgan ran up to me, forgetting about the red glowly stuff in front of her. I smiled as I once again picked her up with ease and spun her around.

"Y'know, just forget about me. I don't have any feelings." Wanda joked, letting her thick accent be heard. I put down Morgan and went over to Wanda to pull her in for a hug.

"It's been a minute since the last time I saw you." I smiled behind her shoulder.

"Well I've been busy." She smiled, "But I had to come back because I can't miss Peter's 17th birthday tomorrow." I chuckled at that, refusing to even look at Harley. Hopefully he didn't connect two and two together. After all, I never told him the exact date of Spider-Man's birthday.

"Petey has a birthday tomorrow?" Morgan asked looking up at me with a big grin on her face.

"Yes, I do. It's not that big of a deal though, really." I shot Wanda a glare but she just smirked.

"Mmm. Oh! You should know, that Tony is throwing you a party on Friday." Wanda continued to smirk.

"That was supposed to be a surprise!" Mr. Stark popped into the living room.

"Mr. Stark! You don't have to do that!" I whined.

"Oh, Kid, I know I don't have to. I want to. You can even bring Ned and that creepy girl. Plus I will take any excuse to party." He winked at me.

"Yes, let's use the kids birthday as an excuse for you to throw a party." Mrs. Stark came to the the living room from the kitchen. "Come on, Morgan. Time for bed."

"I want Petey to tuck me in and tell me a story." She pouted. Mrs. Stark looked at me, hope shining through her eyes.

"Of course!" I replied and took her tiny hand as I led her down the hallway to her room.

I pulled the covers up to her shoulders and was about to turn off the light before she asked me to tell her a story.

"Oh! How could I have forgotten?" I asked in a silly voice which made her giggle.

"I don't want the story daddy tells me. I want a longer one." She told me. I let out a huff of laughter as I could only guess what Mr. Stark would consider a story.

"Once upon a time, there was a cute little girl who loved to read stories about adventures. Until one day, she was presented the opportunity to go on an adventure herself. She got ready, kissed her mother goodbye, and left her house, headed for the woods. It became dark real fast and she became scared. She lost sense of direction and wished for a miracle. Right after she wished, then, a young boy emerged out of the bushes and held out his hand, explaining he could help guide her through the woods. As they continued their journey through the dark woods, they got to know each other very well. They became best friends by the time they emerged out of the woods, finding the sun shining down on them. They found a chest filled with gold, the thing the girl was journeying to find. She closed the chest and looked at the boy.
'I thought I came looking for gold, to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. But instead, I found something even more important. I found friendship.' She took the hand of the boy and they ran off into the sunset, living happily ever after."

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