Louis brainstorms the amount of time that will take for his dad to reach home from Liam's. Louis' so angry at Liam, he could kill him but it's not Liam's fault either and at the same time, he is shitting his pants. Yup, he's probably gonna die.

For a brief second, Louis thinks of fleeing, grabbing a bunch of his shit and leaving his house, leaving the fucking town and starting a whole new life, from scratch, in a different country, in a new place with a pet. But he can't do it because he doesn't have any fucking time!

He's so caught up in his own thoughts, he doesn't even realise Troy pulling up in the driveway. When he realises it though, it's already too late.

"Did you really think you could outsmart me boy?" John says intimidatingly.

"I- I'm-" Louis tries to get something out of his mouth, but it's like it suddenly went dry and no words come out other than the constant opening and closing of his mouth like a fish.

"So your friend Liam tells me you went to a party yesterday. Am I right?" Troy asks.

"D- dad, I'm-"

"Yes or no Louis!?" He asks sternly.

"Y- yes."

"Why did you lie to me then son?" His father asks, holding Louis' chin up with his thumb and index finger, forcing him to look up and make eye contact. Louis tries to look anywhere but his dad but the lack of head movement makes it difficult.

"I- I don't know. I got scared."

"Of what?"

"Of- of upsetting you?"

"Oh you silly goose, you upset me either way, everyday." Troy gives out a dry chuckle.

"I'm sorry." Louis says looking down. He's ashamed of what he did. He should've just went home. But of course he had to give his dad another reason to be upset at him even more. After all, his dad is just looking out for him. He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Louis.

"You've started lying now too. I feel so disappointed in you son." Troy shakes his head. He goes to kitchen, Louis still standing in his spot, fear evident in his eyes. He's afraid of what might come next.

Troy takes a glass from the counter and smashes it, causing it to break into small pieces. Louis finches at the sound of the glass breaking and he can feel his heart beat in his ears.

"Clean that up." Troy orders. Louis nods. He knows better than to defy his dad when he's mad.

Louis starts by picking up the slightly bigger pieces and keeps them on a paper towel. Troy crouches down to Louis' level and picks up one of the bigger broken glass piece that was kept by Louis on the towel.

He brings it close to Louis' palm and slowly drags it across it, cutting it effectively. Louis cries out at the sudden pain. "Dad, what are you doing!?" Louis looks towards his father in complete shock.

"What I should've done a long time ago. I thought I raised you better but you're starting to get out of hand and it's really starting to concern me. I'm just helping you to be your better self. I don't want you turning into one of those brats that have zero respect for their parents. Is it too much to ask for Lou?" Troy says calmly, which is quite scary to the say the least.

"Dad please! This is not how you make me a better person. P- please it's hurting a lot." Louis says crying.

"Stop crying boy! Man up! I have taught you better than this! It's bad enough you're a fag. Don't give me more reasons to hate you." His father grabs Louis' face harshly with his hand, he looks so pissed.

hate you, with love (L.S)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang