27. Home and Away

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Chapter Twenty Seven

*DK's POV*

Hopping into the front seat, I heard the others climb into the back as Hyo just sat silently in the driver seat waiting for everyone to settle down. 

The past week has been HELL. Seeing her go out every day, coming back exhausted, hurt, anxious. It's killing me. She won't tell me what tasks she's having to do, but with the new bruises and whatnot every other day, I hate it already. 

"Everyone ready to go home?" She asked in a quiet voice, trying to force a smile out as she set up the 3 way FaceTime with the other cars. 

"Get me back in my own bed, I cannot stand another night listening to Vernon snore," Seungkwan scoffed, followed by moaning from Vernon and Seungkwan moaning that Vernon was moaning. Hearing Hyo laugh gently, we set off driving. Only this time, she was driving... normal. No speeding, no fearing for our lives. 

"Just because I'm in the car, doesn't mean you have to drive properly Hyo," Bora rolled her eyes from the back seat, next to Mingyu. Who was less than happy to be sat there, but sacrificed himself so Wonwoo didn't have to sit next to her. 

Since when did they become so close that she-devil get's to call her 'Hyo'? That's reserved for humans, not DEMONS. 

Looking over to her, she didn't respond, just smiled gently in the mirror. I know she's exhausted. I can tell. But what can I actually do to help? I'm an idol, not an assassin. As much as I love her, as much as I would do literally anything for her, there's not a lot I can do. And it makes me feel beyond helpless. 

I guess all I can really do is be here for her. Help her when she needs it. Come when she calls for me. 

Even though she might not really need me anymore. She's strong, even stronger than she was before. Admittedly she used to put up with a lot of shit, her dad, JiEun, that evil little sister she had. I wonder what actually happened to that little shit? Probably best not to ask right now. 

Putting my hand gently over hers on the gear stick, she glanced over, giving me a small smile. Rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand, I hope she knows I'm here, I'm always here. 

"Ah, the city, I missed it," Seungkwan cried over the phone as Seoul appeared int he distance. 

"I hate the country side, it's so grassy, and green, and too many insects," I saw Hoshi shudder. 

"Oh shut up you know you love it. You're just being dramatic for no reason as usual," Woozi scoffed. 

"I need you all the listen to me," Hyo spoke up, causing the incoming argument to stop, making everyone go silent. "I've called in a few favours." Don't remind me. That slime-ball all over you. Ugh. "The Clan and The Serpents will be watching over you. Each of you as two assigned... um... how do I say it..." she bit her lip.

"Assassins?" Dino shouted as Chewy licked his face. 

"Not assassins. They'll just be watching, from a distance. I know you have your own bodyguards, just imagine these as the bodyguards for your bodyguards." Nodding, she stopped at a red light. Looking to my right, Coups pulled up to the light next to us.

"Hyo?" He asked through the window, smiling a little. "You're doing great." Seeing all of them in the car give her a thumbs up, I saw her swallow the possibility of tears. 

"Now, RACE!" Jun shouted down the phone. 

"If I didn't have a heavily pregnant woman here with me, I would. She is not going into labour on my watch," seeing Hyo shudder, Bora laughed. 

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